36.10. Executing SQL Commands

The PostgreSQL module also provides a simple interface for running SQL commands on a database and displaying their output. The steps for using it are:

On the main page, click on the icon for the database in which you want to run commands.

Click on the Execute SQL button below the list of table icons. This will take you to a page for entering SQL commands, running files of commands, and loading data into the database.

Enter any one SQL command into the text box at the top of the page and hit the Execute button. If there was a mistake in your SQL syntax or the command cannot be executed, the error message from PosygreSQL will be displayed. Otherwise, a table of results from SQL (if any) will be shown. Only SELECT statements produce results—UPDATE, INSERT, and other commands that modify records do not.

Unlike the MySQL module, there is no command history or support for running multiple SQL statements from a file.

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