42.8. Configuring the SSH Server Module

Like all modules, this one has several options that can set to control where it looks for the SSH programs and configuration files. By default, they are set to match the SSH package that comes with your operating system, and so generally will not need to be changed unless you have compiled and installed the server from source instead. None are related to the module's user interface.

The editable settings are shown in Table 42.1.

Table 42.1. Module Configuration Options
Full path to sshd programThis field must be set to the full path to the SSH server program, such as /usr/sbin/sshd or /usr/local/sbin/sshd.
Full path to sshd config fileThis field must contain the location of the SSH server configuration file, usually found at /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
Full path to ssh client config fileThis field must contain the location of the global SSH client configuration file, usually found at /etc/ssh/ssh_config.
Full path to sshd PID fileThis field must contain the full path to its process ID file so the module can determine whether or not the SSH server is running. If it is incorrect, the Start Server button will appear on the main page instead of Apply Changes.
Command to start sshdIf Just run server is selected, the module will simply run the sshd program specified in the first field when the Start Server button is clicked. Many packages include a bootup script that should be used instead, which you can tell the module to use by selecting the second option and entering a command like /etc/init.d/sshd start into the adjacent text field. If you have compiled SSH yourself from the source, however, then the first option should be used as no such script is likely to exist.
Full path to ssh-keygen programThis field must contain the full path to the ssh-keygen program, which the module uses to setup SSH for new UNIX users.

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