47.7. Installing Usermin Modules

Like Webmin, Usermin has a modular design. This means that each module (such as Read Mail or File Manager) is a separate piece of code and can usually be installed or removed without affecting the rest of Usermin. Being able to install new modules is the most useful feature, as several have been developed by people other than the Usermin developer. The best place to find extra modules is the website webmin.thirdpartymodules.com, which is a searchable database of almost all Webmin and Usermin modules. You can also write your own modules, as Chapter 55 “Webmin Module Development” explains. Do not bother trying to install modules for Webmin, as they will be rejected and will not work anyway.

A new module can be installed by following these steps:

On the Usermin Configuration module's main page, click on the Usermin Modules icon. This will bring to you to a page with forms for installing, cloning, and deleting modules.

If you have already downloaded the module's .wbm file to the system on which Usermin is running, select From local file and enter the full path to the file into the text field next to it.

If the module file is on the PC on which your web browser is running, select From upload file and use the Browse button to find the file on your computer.

If the module is on a website somewhere, select From ftp or http URL and enter the full URL into the text box next to this option.

Hit the Install module from file button to download (if necessary) and install the new module. If everything goes as planned, a page listing the installed modules and the sizes of their directories will be displayed.

Unless you have hidden modules from certain users (as explained in Section 47.15 “Restricting Access to Modules”), this new one will be immediately visible to and usable by all Usermin users.

Any of the modules currently installed—including those that come with Usermin by default—can be deleted on the same page as well. Deleting the default modules is not a good idea, however, as they will be automatically reinstalled the next time you upgrade. It is better to hide the ones that you don't want people to use, as explained in Section 47.15 “Restricting Access to Modules”. Not all modules can be deleted either, as some are depended upon by other modules. The Running Processes module in particular has many dependants, so removing it will cause modules like Change Password, Custom Commands, and GnuPG Encryption to stop working.

To remove one or more modules, follow these steps:

Click on the Usermin Modules icon on the main page.

Scroll down to the last form on the page and select all the modules that you want to remove from the Delete Modules list.

When you hit the Delete selected modules button, a confirmation page will be displayed showing exactly what will be removed. If there are some dependency problems that prevent one or more from being deleted, an error message explaining the problem will be shown instead.

Click on Delete to go ahead with the module's removal.

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