47.14. Configuring Usermin Modules

Almost all Usermin modules have several configurable settings that effect their user interfaces and behavior. There are actually two types of settings—those that apply to all users and are set by the administrator in this module, and those that apply to only a specific user and can be set by users themselves from within Usermin. This latter set of options is called preferences and can be set by users by clicking on the Preferences link that appears in the top-left corner of the main page in some Usermin modules (the same place that the Module Config link appears in Webmin). You can also use the Usermin Configuration module to set the default preferences for users who have not yet set them.

To set the configuration or default preferences for a module, follow these steps:

Click on the Usermin Module Configuration icon on the module's main page to go to a list of all installed modules.

Click on the name of the module that you want to configure. This will bring up a page containing one or two forms—Configurable options is for editing the global settings for the module, while Default user preferences is for editing preferences. Figure 47.2 shows an example. Because some modules do not have preferences and some do not have configurable options, one or the other of the forms may not be displayed.

Figure 47.2. The Usermin module configuration page.

The actual fields in both forms depend on the module chosen. For example, the Read Mail module has settings that control where it looks for user email and in what format it expects the mail file or directory to be. The defaults in the Configurable options form are set to match your operating system when Usermin is installed and do not usually need to be changed.

To edit the module's configuration, make whatever changes you want to the fields in the first form and hit the Save button below it to activate them.

To change the default preferences, change the fields in the second form and hit its Save button to activate them. They will only apply to users who have not set their own preferences for the module, however. This form always includes a Users can edit preferences? field that, if set to No, stops users from editing the module's preferences in future.

The configurable settings in most modules are fairly obvious and need no further explanation. The Read Mail module's form, however, has a large number of fields that control where it looks for email, how it sends mail, what From: address users are assigned, and where user folders are stored. Even though it usually defaults to looking for mailboxes in the /var/spool/mail directory, it can be configured to use the Qmail-style Mailbox file or Maildir directory in users' home directories, which is necessary if you are running a mail server other than Sendmail.

The configuration fields for the Read Mail module and their meanings are listed in Table 47.1.

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