51.17. Changing and Installing Themes

A theme is an extension to Webmin (much like a module) that controls how its interface appears. The currently active theme determines if and how the categories at the top of each page are displayed, what page background is used, what icons each module has, how titles appear, and how each page ends. By changing themes, you can significantly change the look of Webmin without affecting its functionality. Several themes are included by default and you can install more that have been written by other developers.

Like the language, you can set the theme for all logins in this module, or override it for a specific user in the Webmin Users module. To change the theme for everyone, follow these steps:

Click on the Webmin Themes icon on the module's main page. This will take you to a page for changing themes, installing a new theme, and deleting existing ones.

Select the theme to use from the Current theme menu. Those included as standard with Webmin are:

Old Webmin Theme The very simple theme that the first versions of Webmin used before theming was added. If you find the default too slow, this may be a better alternative as it uses fewer images.

Caldera Theme An improved layout that uses frames to place categories and module icons at the top, and actual forms and pages at the bottom.

MSC.Linux Theme The current default Webmin theme.

MSC.Linux Mini Theme A modified version of the default theme, designed for use on small-screen devices such as PDAs.

Hit the Change button to activate the chosen theme.

New themes developed by other people can also be added to Webmin, and several are available for download from webmin.thirdpartymodules.com. It is also possible to write your own themes, as Chapter 58 explains.

To install a theme, follow these steps:

Click on the Webmin Themes icon on the module's main page.

Select the theme's file using the second form. Just as when installing a module, you can choose to install a theme from a file on the system running Webmin, the PC your browser is on, or an HTTP or FTP URL.

Hit the Install Theme button to have it downloaded (if necessary) and installed.

The final thing that you can do on this page is delete one of the installed themes. The Old Webmin Theme cannot be deleted as it is built into the program, and the other standard themes should not be deleted as they will be added again if you upgrade to the next version.

To delete a theme that you have installed, follow these instructions:

Click on the Webmin Themes icon on the module's main page.

Select the one to remove from the Theme to delete menu at the bottom of the page. If that menu does not appear, it means that all installed themes are in use either by an individual user or for everyone.

Hit the Delete button to bring up a confirmation page asking if you really want to go ahead.

Click on Delete again to remove the theme.

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