52.8. Viewing and Disconnecting Login Sessions

When Webmin is in session-authentication mode (as it is by default), it keeps track of all currently logged-in users. You can view this information and cancel sessions that seem to be invalid by following these steps:

Click on the View Login Sessions icon at the bottom of the Webmin Users module main page.

On the page that appears, the ID, login name, and connection time of each active session will be listed, with the newest shown first. It is quite possible for several sessions to exist for the same user, as many people do not bother to properly log out of Webmin. Old sessions, however, will be automatically removed after one week.

To view the actions performed in a particular session, click on the View logs link in the last column. This will take you to a list of actions in the Webmin Actions Log module, as covered in Chapter 54.

To cancel a session, click on its ID. This will immediately log the user out but will not kill any CGI programs that Webmin is currently running.

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