56.1. Module Access Control

Webmin versions 0.72 and above support a standard method for restricting which features of a module a user can access. For example, the Apache module allows a Webmin user to be restricted to managing selected virtual servers, and the BIND module allows a user to be limited to editing records only in certain domains.

This kind of detailed access control is separate from the first level ACLs that control which users have access to which modules. As long as your module calls init_config, the Webmin API will automatically block users who do not have access to the entire module.

Module access control options are set in the Webmin Users module by clicking on the name of a module next to a user's name. The available options are generated by code from the module itself (except for the Can edit module configuration? option, which is always present). When the user clicks on Save, the form parameters are also parsed by code from the module being configured before being saved in the Webmin configuration directory.

A module wanting to use access control must contain a file called acl_security.pl in its directory. This file must contain two Perl functions:

acl_security_form(acl) This function takes a reference to a hash containing the current ACL options for this user and must output HTML for form inputs to edit those ACL options. Because the HTML will be inside a 4-column table, you must generate the appropriate <tr> and <td> tags around your input elements.

acl_security_save(acl, inputs) This function must fill in the given hash reference with values from the form created by acl_security_form. Form inputs are available in the global hash %in as generated by ReadParse, or from the second parameter to the function.

Because these functions are called in the context of your module, the acl_security.pl file can require the common functions file used by other CGI programs in the module. This gives you access to all the standard Webmin functions and allows you to provide more meaningful inputs. For example, when setting ACL options for the Apache module, a list of virtual servers from the Apache configuration is displayed for the user to choose from.

An example acl_security.pl might look like:

do 'foo-lib.pl';

sub acl_security_form
print "<tr> <td><b>Can edit users?</b></td>
printf "<td><input type=radio name=edit value=1 %s> Yes
       $_[0]->{'edit'} ? 'checked': '';
printf "<input type=radio name=edit value=0 %s> No</td> </tr>
       $_[0]->{'edit'} ? '': 'checked';

sub acl_security_save
$_[0]->{'edit'} = $in{'edit'};

If a user has not yet had any ACL options set for a module, a default set of options will be used. These are read from the defaultacl file in the module directory, which must contain name=value pairs, one per line. These options should allow the user to do anything so the admin or master Webmin user is not restricted by default.

To actually enforce the chosen ACL options for each user, your module programs must use the get_module_acl function to get the ACL for the current user and then verify that each action is allowed. When called with no parameters, this function will return a hash containing the options set for the current user in the current module, which is almost always what you want. For example:

require 'foo-lib.pl';
%access = &get_module_acl();
$access{'create'} ||
      &error("You are not allowed to create new foo users");

When designing a module to which some users will have limited access, remember that the user can enter any URL, not just those to which you link. For example, just doing ACL checking in the program that displays a form is not enough. The program that processes the form should do all the same checks as well. CGI parameters should also never be trusted, even hidden parameters that cannot normally be input by the user.

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