19.6. Creating Your Own Chain

It is possible to create your own custom chains of rules in addition to the standard ones. The difference is, they will only be executed if a rule in one of the standard chains has its action set explicitly to jump to a custom chain. When execution of a custom chain finishes (or a rule with the Exit chain action is matched), evaluation will return to the calling chain. This means that custom chains can be used to define rules that are shared by several standard chains, instead of repeating the same rules in multiple places. In a way, a custom chain is like a subroutine in a programming language.

To create your own chain, the steps to follow are:

On the main page of the module, select the table you want the chain to be in from the menu next to Showing IPtable, and click the button. Custom chains can only be called from other chains in the same table.

Enter the name of your new chain into the text box next to the Add a new chain named button, and then click the button to create it. Chain names must be unique, and are generally composed of only lower-case letters and numbers.

Once the new chain has been created, it will appear at the bottom of the page. You can use its Add rule button to append rules to it, just as with one of the normal chains.

Custom chains do not have a default policy, so they have no Set default action to button on the main page. If execution of the chain reaches the end, control will always return to the caller. Custom chains can be deleted though, using the Delete chain button underneath their tables of rules.

A custom chain can contain rules that jump to other custom chains. However, a chain cannot jump to itself, nor can you create loops by jumping to another chain that jumps back to the first. Even if this were possible, it would be a very bad idea!

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