34.4. Creating a Mailing List

Once the Majordomo module has been set up correctly, you can use it to create a new mailing list. Every list must have a name that cannot be used by any other list, UNIX user, or email alias. Lists are typically named like example-list or engineering-l, but really any short name consisting of numbers, letters, and dashes is allowed. The name forms the part of the list's email address before the @, so the resulting address will be something like [email protected].

To create a list, follow these steps:

On the module's main page, click on the Add a new mailing list link above or below the table of existing list icons. This will bring you to the list creation form, shown in Figure 34.2.

Figure 34.2. Creating a new mailing list.

Enter the chosen name into to List name field.

Fill in the List maintainer's address field with the email address of the person who will be responsible for this list. They will receive notifications of subscriptions and unsubscriptions, and bounce messages if delivery to a list member fails.

The password entered in the Maintenance password field can be used by the maintainer to change the list's configuration by email. Make sure that this password does not fall into the hands of anyone else, as it grants full control over the list to anyone who knows it.

You will generally not need to configure the list via email anyway, as this Webmin module provides a much nicer interface than manually editing the configuration file.

In the Description field, enter a short description of this list that will be displayed next to its name when a user sends the lists command to Majordomo.

The text in the Introductory message field will be sent to all new list members when they subscribe. You should enter a description of the list, posting guidelines, and any other information that new subscribers might need to know.

To have a footer appended to each email sent to the list, fill in the Forwarded mail footer field. Often the footer contains the list name and information about how to un-subscribe.

If you want this list to be moderated, change the Moderated list? field to Yes. A moderated list is one that requires all messages sent to it be approved before they are sent to list members.

If the moderator is the same as the list administrator, leave the Moderator's address field set to Same as maintainer; otherwise, enter an email address into the adjacent text field. This address will receive a copy of every email sent to the list for approval.

If you want Majordomo to store copies of messages sent to this list in archive files, select one of the options other than No from the Archive mailing list? menu. An archive is a collection of files under the list's directory that contains email to the list for a year, month, or day.

Finally, click the Create button to have the module create the list and all the Sendmail aliases that it needs to operate. You will be returned to the main page, which should now contain an icon for your new list.

People can subscribe to the new list and send email to it as soon as it is created. However, you will probably want to customize its settings some more before announcing its existence. The next few sections explain how.

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