VVols dependencies

You can plan to use VVols and you have verified that storage vendor implementation is good, reliable, and provides major benefits.

One major benefit is the offload of the VM snapshot function directly to the storage level; this means that you minimize all the performance issues of VM snapshot and surpass also their limits.

But you have also to consider some possible risks and design considerations:

  • The VASA provider is very critical. Without it, your running VMs still work, but you cannot spin up new VMs or make new operations (such as VM snapshots). If the VASA provider is a virtual appliance and does not have a specific high availability configuration, consider using not only vSphere HA but maybe also vSphere FT.
  • The vCenter Server becomes more critical and cannot stay on VVols (managed by itself). If you don't have a management cluster, provide a traditional datastore for vCenter, PSC, and other VVols related dependencies (such as the VASA provider).
  • Native backup can only work in network transport mode (for more information see Chapter 14, Data and Workloads Protection); actually, SAN, or virtual appliance mode are not working.
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