The next CLI is part of the vCSA, and you can use the api command:

Command> api com.vmware.appliance.version1.
com.vmware.appliance.version1.access.consolecli.get com.vmware.appliance.version1.networking.ipv6.list
com.vmware.appliance.version1.access.consolecli.set com.vmware.appliance.version1.networking.ipv6.set
com.vmware.appliance.version1.access.dcui.get com.vmware.appliance.version1.networking.proxy.delete
com.vmware.appliance.version1.access.dcui.set com.vmware.appliance.version1.networking.proxy.get com.vmware.appliance.version1.networking.proxy.set com.vmware.appliance.version1.networking.proxy.test

See the following example:

Command> api com.vmware.appliance.version1.networking.interfaces.list
Status: up
Mac: 00:0c:29:29:d2:f8
Name: nic0

In real life, a VMware administrator needs other commands on the vCSA to restart components, such as the vSphere Web Client:

Command> service-control --list
vmware-vpostgres (VMware Postgres)
vmware-imagebuilder (VMware Image Builder Manager)
vmware-cm (VMware Component Manager)
vmware-vpxd (VMware vCenter Server)
vmware-sps (VMware vSphere Profile-Driven Storage Service)
applmgmt (VMware Appliance Management Service)
vmware-statsmonitor (VMware Appliance Monitoring Service)
vmware-rhttpproxy (VMware HTTP Reverse Proxy)
vmware-vapi-endpoint (VMware vAPI Endpoint)
vmware-stsd (VMware Security Token Service)
lwsmd (Likewise Service Manager)
vmafdd (VMware Authentication Framework)
vmware-psc-client (VMware Platform Services Controller Client)
vmware-vsm (VMware vService Manager)
vmonapi (VMware Service Lifecycle Manager API)
vmware-perfcharts (VMware Performance Charts)
vmware-updatemgr (VMware Update Manager)
vmware-vmon (VMware Service Lifecycle Manager)
vmware-vsan-health (VMware VSAN Health Service)
vsphere-client (VMware vSphere Web Client)
vmware-sts-idmd (VMware Identity Management Service)
vmcad (VMware Certificate Service)
vmware-eam (VMware ESX Agent Manager)
vmware-cis-license (VMware License Service)
vmcam (VMware vSphere Authentication Proxy)
pschealth (VMware Platform Services Controller Health Monitor)
vmdird (VMware Directory Service)
vmware-mbcs (VMware Message Bus Configuration Service)
vmware-vcha (VMware vCenter High Availability)
vsphere-ui (VMware vSphere Client)
vmware-content-library (VMware Content Library Service)
vmdnsd (VMware Domain Name Service)
vmware-sca (VMware Service Control Agent)
vmware-netdumper (VMware vSphere ESXi Dump Collector)
vmware-vpxd-svcs (VMware vCenter-Services)
vmware-rbd-watchdog (VMware vSphere Auto Deploy Waiter)

Restarting the vSphere web client service is quite easy from the command line:

Command> service-control --stop vsphere-client
Command> service-control --start vsphere-client

Another interesting command is software-packages, which is useful for updating your vCSA (it can be a better option than using the GUI via port 5480).

Command> software-packages -h
usage: software-packages [-h] {stage,unstage,validate,install,list} ...
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
stage Stage software update packages
unstage Purge staged software update packages
validate Validate software update packages
install Install software update packages
list List details of software update packages

You must know basic Linux commands such as tail, vi, more, less, grep, and ls for the TRBL process.

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