DR of a virtual data center

Protecting a virtual workload is much easier compared to protecting a physical data center, in a legacy way, for several reasons:

  • Virtualization provides encapsulation, so a VM is usually a set of files that can be easily managed.
  • Virtualization provides hardware independence, where a VM can run as it is (without any changes) on different hardware, maybe also with different sizing, but using the same hypervisor (or a compatible one).
  • Different types of data replication can be used, from traditional storage array replication to VM replication.
  • On the DR site, you can, potentially, and for a limited number of workloads, use a single server that has enough computing and storage capacity.
  • Cloud DR as a Service (DRaaS) solutions are possible and effective.

All of the preceding benefits make it possible and convenient to provide a low RPO and a low RTO for the entire data center (or a large set of it), not just for the first tier of business-critical applications and services. Also, we have to consider that most companies are already leveraging virtualization, with a virtualization-first approach,  also dictated for BC and DR requirements.

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