CLI usage

CLI is the most useful option for TRBL. There are a lot of CLIs available that are used for TRBL in a VMware environment:

  • vSphere ESXi shell: esxcli which is the new CLI
  • vSphere command-line interface vCLI: esxcfg-*  which is the old CLI

Both CLIs can be used directly from an ESXi host and the ESXi shell must be enabled in the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI). You can access the DCUI from the physical console of the host or also remotely using a specific hardware vendor cards, like iDRAC for Dell or iLO for HP. When you want to use the CLI using a remote SSH session (PuTTy is a popular SSH client you can use), SSH protocol must be enabled from the DCUI. The second place where the configuration can be set is through vCenter Server in the Security Profile tab. The final place where it is possible to use it is through vSphere Management Assistant (vMA).

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