About the reviewers

Mark Dunkerley is a motivated and passionate technology leader residing in Orlando, Florida. He holds a bachelor's degree of science in business administration and a master's in business administration. He has worked in the technology field for over 15 years, and he has experience in multiple technical areas. He has earned certifications from AirWatch, Microsoft, CompTIA, VMware, AXELOS, Cisco, and EMC.
Mark is a speaker at multiple conferences, including Microsoft and VMware events. He has authored Learning AirWatch, is an active blogger, and has published multiple case studies.




Tiago Costa is an IT consultant for Microsoft technologies. For the past 15 years, he has been architecting and developing solutions for clients using Azure, Office 365, SharePoint, .Net, and SQL Server. He has a lot of real-world experience, and he regularly teaches Azure, Office 365, SharePoint, .Net, and SQL Server. He has several Microsoft Certifications, and he is also a Microsoft Certified Trainer—MCT. In 2013, he was nominated as an MCT Regional Lead by Microsoft Corporation. In 2016, he was awarded with the Microsoft MVP Award in Office Server and Services.

It was a great pleasure to review this book because it's a great resource for professionals who need to implement and manage Microsoft Office 365 and are not yet familiar with the service.




André Vala is a Microsoft MVP for Office Servers and Services and a SharePoint solutions architect. He has been working with SharePoint for the past 12 years on projects that range from corporate intranets and extranets to large internet portals. He has been an invited speaker at several Microsoft events, such as TechDays and DevDays in Lisbon, Road To SharePoint 2010, and community and user group events such as the Portuguese SharePoint User Group and the Portuguese Office 365 User Group meeting.

Office 365 is large and complex topic, given the huge amount of services and features it has. Nuno was able to break it down into set of easy-to-read introductory chapters that span the most important workloads and focus on the essential pieces of planning, deploying, adopting, and monitoring Office 365. I believe this will be an invaluable resource, covering the first steps with a challenging set of technologies.

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