Service change management process

In each phase, keep in mind that it is a part of a whole cycle, and you need to stick to the following phases:

  • Plan: In the plan phase you can have several tasks to do:
    • Capture: What information is needed for the phase based on the process, such as requirements, needs, and the people involved.
    • Classify: You classify the changes with priorities and risks and measure indicators of your phase.
    • Discuss: You discuss things with your peers and sponsors, so that all people that are in the process can be involved and approve the plan to be a success. It is not the most critical, but still a very important part, of the plan.
  • Deploy: In the deploy phase you can have several tasks to do:
    • Rings: Verify the availability of the rings of the phase that you are deploying based on the roadmap. That will allow you to know what is going to happen during your change plan.
    • Target release: Deploying on first release is advised to best understand new features and to be prepared for the changes to Office 365.
    • Telemetry: Learn about and monitor what the users are doing and monitor the adoption of the new technologies.
  • Communicate: In the communicate phase you can have several tasks to do:
    • Policy: Have a communication policy for the users sponsored by your communication department and management team.
    • Playbook: Create a Playbook, where you provide information in a single page or a few pages, on how to work with the new product.
    • Resources: Create resources and put them in Office 365, such as Stream, Yammer, and SharePoint. Create some Skype for Business presentations or Skype broadcasts to launch the change management phases.
  • Listen: In the listen phase you can have several tasks to do:
    • Signal versus noise: Stay connected with users and listen to their new experiences and combine them with other departments
    • Feedback: Ask for feedback; you can use Forms or Yammer
    • Measure: Always measure your success in each phase and present successes to the sponsor team

For the whole process, it is advised that you perform the following phases as a cycle:

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