Creating emails and newsletters

The key points for creating emails and newsletters within a few weeks before the launch are as follows:

  • It is advised that you create mono sheets—concise and with a short and clear message.
  • Create a page on SharePoint with the adoption program and plan FAQs about Office 365.
  • Use Stream to publish videos about the presentations and short videos on how to embed them on the SharePoint page and give the links when you send the newsletters.
  • The communications in emails or newsletters must contain a short and concise subject about the objective, such as Office 365 is coming or How to be more productive with Office 365. Listen to your champions, executives, and marketing and communications departments regarding the best message to keep in mind.
  • Keep your communications effective using your communications template; you can also combine the templates offered by Microsoft to keep the message short and direct.
  • You must have an email address active to the project and a site dedicated to the project including support, FAQs, videos, how-to guides, and among others relevant to have back-to-back communications within the users of your organization.
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