Searching for users, groups settings, or tasks on the search pane

In the search pane, you can perform several tasks. Click on the search box and it will give you several suggestions of common search queries:

If you start typing the word add in the search box, it will provide you with the most common queries containing the add word, as you can see in the following screenshot:

If you try searching for a user using the term test (and assuming you have users that contain this word in your directory), it will perform a search as you type and immediately show you the results, as depicted in the following screenshot:

If you place your mouse pointer over a user result, it will show a few of the actions that can be performed over that result on the right-hand side, such as the reset password or edit user icons, as shown in the following screenshot:

If you click on the edit user icon, you'll be directed to the edit section of that user, as shown in the following screenshot:

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