Training for end users

The first step is understanding your users. Do an assessment to learn more about the end users. Conduct interviews with the end users to understand their questions and what are they expecting about the project and at what level they are in the moment of the interview.

It is necessary to learn more and keep in mind the following:

  • Who are you training?
  • What is their role in the organization? What are some of the everyday jobs they do?
  • Where do users do these tasks? On a mobile device? In the workplace using a computer unit or a laptop?
  • When do users do these tasks? When do they need the tools? When should training be finalized?
  • How combined is the tool set in daily activities? Does your organization have policies about the new features and what is the policy about sharing documents, storing files, collaborating with externals, and using email attachments, among others?

All people learn in a different way. Training should take on multiple methods to accommodate diverse learning styles, geographical barriers, and resource limitations. You'll want to develop a complete training plan that considers the technologies being rolled out, the core tasks your audience will need to learn, and the available training budget. Training is the most important thing in the organizations. Without training, you could have blockers about adoption and it is necessary to end users to be always informed and updated with new technologies. Without proper training, you could have issues with your project because end users could complain that they do not know how to work, and it could be a huge obstacle to daily basic activities that keep your organization running. It is advised that you present the benefits of new technologies in the training, and the new way of working is called change management. You can benefit from the training and here are some tips:

  • Make sure you understand your users; get to know their challenges.
  • An organization storytelling is needed on how to work, not an IT story.
  • If you want to get people to do something, allow the entire team to collaborate with each other, train them at the same time, give them time in training to discuss and collaborate together, listen and make notes about some issues that could be a blocker, and give them immediate feedback and answers that best fit your goals and will not be a blocker outside of the training.
  • Give examples on how other teams work.
  • Provide the opportunity for the managers to reveal best practices using Office 365 technology to work better in new technologies and what is the best way to do their daily basis activities.
  • Ask questions to get them involved and to allow them to become comfortable with the project.
  • Have a governance model to help keep the organization informed about the whole process.
  • Create a SharePoint site with a Learning Center to provide how-to videos and FAQs.
  • Keep key users updated on changes and any kind of issues or ideas from other groups.
  • Communicate every week with tips, statuses, how-to guides, ideas, and new features. Always keep the users informed.
  • Give prizes to the champions and end users if they find something that could be better or offer treasure hunts.
  • Make some questionnaires with prizes and create an event to give them out.
  • Always make the communication personal; keep users updated and send messages with their names and make them feel that they are important in this process.
Any time that Office 365 has a new feature, continue to inform end users.
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