Chapter 10. Turning Color into Black-and-White

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Black-and-white images are still photographically relevant, even if we shoot our photos exclusively in color. The advantage and the attraction of monochrome images lies in their high degree of abstraction and their strong graphic appearance.

As we are not actually talking about line drawings here, the correct term for “black-and-white photo” is actually something like “black-and-white halftone image” or “grayscale image”, but to keep things simple, we will nevertheless use the terms “black-and-white” and “monochrome” in this chapter.

If you simply convert an image from RGB format to grayscale using Photoshop, the results are nearly always disappointing. The steps necessary to produce authentic-looking black-and-white images are much more complex. The tools and techniques for doing just that are the subject of this chapter.

From Color to Black-and-White

Converting color images to black-and-white can be really rewarding. Let’s compare the basic steps involved in processing analog and digital monochrome images using Photoshop:

Comparing analog and Photoshop-based digital monochrome techniques

Figure 10-1. Comparing analog and Photoshop-based digital monochrome techniques

The simplest way to create monochrome images using Photoshop is to convert an image from RGB to grayscale. However, this produces unsatisfactory results that don’t look like real lab-processed black-and-white images at all. We have to get into more complex digital processing to achieve the results we want.

Most RAW editors include black-and-white conversion functionality, although this involves either completely desaturating the image colors or simply producing RGB images made up of grayscale tones. The latter is the method used by Photoshop to create monochrome images, but both solutions are not very satisfactory. Adobe Camera Raw (version 4 and later) and Lightroom (version 1.3 onwards) both include a fairly usable black-and-white conversion function that is extremely similar to the Photoshop Black-and-white dialog.

Converting to black-and-white using a RAW editor has the advantages of working non-destructively and using disk space-saving virtual image copies.

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