Adding Digital Sunshine to Your Photos

The quality of the ambient light plays a significant role in the success of a photograph. Too much sunshine can produce harsh contrast and strong shadows. Cloudy skies produce more balanced light but also lifeless-looking shadows and colder tones – problems that cannot always be circumvented by adjusting white balance settings.

A landscape photographed under a cloudy sky

Figure 8-102. A landscape photographed under a cloudy sky

The image in Figure 8-102 would benefit from a little additional contrast and warmer colors. The following steps describe how we add a little “digital sunshine” to our image.

  1. We create a Photo Filter adjustment layer to warm up the colors (Figure 8-103). Here, we check the Preserve Luminosity option.

    This filter adds warmth to the colors in an image.

    Figure 8-103. This filter adds warmth to the colors in an image.

  2. Now we add a Curves adjustment layer to the top of our stack that we then use to brighten the image (Figure 8-104).

    This curve will brighten midtones slightly.

    Figure 8-104. This curve will brighten midtones slightly.

  3. We then use an additional Curves layer to enhance midtone contrast using a classic S-curve (Figure 8-105).

    You can see the results in Figure 8-106. However, the image still lacks punch, so we use another of Katrin Eismann’s tricks to pep it up a little:

    This S-curve improves midtone contrast

    Figure 8-105. This S-curve improves midtone contrast

    The image now looks warmer, thanks to the Warming Filter (85) effect.

    Figure 8-106. The image now looks warmer, thanks to the Warming Filter (85) effect.

  4. We create yet another Curves adjustment layer, this time set to Overlay blend mode. Figure 8-107 shows that applying this layer alone overdoes the effect we are looking for.

  5. Reducing layer opacity to about 30% gives us the result you can see in Figure 8-109.

This use of multiple adjustment layers allows us to refine and readjust our corrections at any time. Double-clicking the effect icon in a panel entry automatically opens that layer’s settings dialog.

Using Overlay blend mode improves contrast but strengthens the colors too much.

Figure 8-107. Using Overlay blend mode improves contrast but strengthens the colors too much.

Original image

Figure 8-108. Original image

Same image with added digital sunshine

Figure 8-109. Same image with added digital sunshine

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