Self Test: Multiple Choice

You can find the answers on the last page of this text.

  1. 9-1 Human resource management requires expertise in

    1. managing staffing needs as a company evolves.

    2. training and evaluating employees.

    3. compensation, disciplinary actions, and promotion of employees.

    4. All of the above.

  2. 9-2 A company that gives employees an amount of stock based on the time the person has worked there is running a(n)

    1. ESOP

    2. AESOP

    3. 401k

    4. IRA

  3. 9-3 Types of training required in some careers include

    1. an on-the-job mentor.

    2. time spent as an apprentice.

    3. programmed learning.

    4. All of the above.

  4. 9-4 The performance review process often includes all of the following except

    1. an evaluation of the employee’s social standing in the work environment.

    2. an assessment of the employee’s relative to the job’s performance standards.

    3. specific feedback on how to enhance a positive performance.

    4. the employee’s job expectations.

  5. 9-5 Amit Patel, as part of his compensation package, was offered an opportunity to purchase his company’s stock at a later date at its current, lower price. Which of the following was Amit given?

    1. A stock option

    2. A stock ownership plan

    3. A stock purchase plan

    4. None of the above

  6. 9-6 James Rodriguez wants to spend more time at home with his two-year-old granddaughter and is considering leaving his company. He could receive three months’ pay and the same retirement package he will be eligible for in three years’ time if he leaves now. This type of offer is called a(n)

    1. independent consultant status.

    2. worker buyout.

    3. retirement.

    4. compressed workweek.

  7. 9-7 Which one of the following is not a good reason to hire a contingent worker?

    1. To fill in for absent employees

    2. Keeping employees for shorter periods of time keeps salary costs low

    3. To supplement staff during particularly busy times

    4. To evaluate how a person performs on the job before hiring permanently them

  8. 9-8 Which of the following are benefits that companies experience by employing a diverse workforce?

    1. Cultural differences result in alternative perspectives and lead to better problem solving.

    2. They fulfill expected affirmative action standards.

    3. Companies become more competitive in the global marketplace.

    4. All of the above.

  9. 9-9 The AFL-CIO, the UAW, and the Teamsters are ­examples of

    1. illegal organizations.

    2. labor unions.

    3. labor relations theories.

    4. contingent workers.

  10. 9-10 A bargaining unit

    1. works to determine proper sale pricing of products.

    2. helps in the negotiation of the sale of the company.

    3. is the price of a share of stock.

    4. negotiates with employers for better working conditions.


You can find the answers on the last page of this text.

  1. 9-11 Internal recruiting means an open position will be filled by friends or family first.

    1. □ True or □ False

  2. 9-12 Profit sharing could mean that in a good year, employees get bonuses, or it could refer to the company’s contributions to an employee retirement plan.

    1. □ True or □ False

  3. 9-13 Some companies use 360-degree appraisal of employees, gathering input from both their managers and their subordinates.

    1. □ True or □ False

  4. 9-14 Employment at will means workers have increased job security.

    1. □ True or □ False

  5. 9-15 A diversified workforce adds creativity and a variety of viewpoints to the workforce, which often helps improve a company’s competitiveness and its bottom line.

    1. □ True or □ False

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. An image shows a star blue icon. 9-16 Performance management is one alternative to a traditional performance appraisal. Which style of evaluation would you prefer as an employee? Which would be more useful to you as a manager?

  2. An image shows a star blue icon. 9-17 An inefficient hiring process can cripple a company because the costs of turnover and retraining employees are so high. Does electronically collecting and evaluating résumés help companies? Job seekers?

  3. 9-18 Describe the “perfect” benefits package. How would your salary and pay level affect your decision? Would you accept a lower pay level for better benefits?

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