• table of contents, 548

  • Taco Bell, 361

  • tactical planning, 209

  • Target, 14, 17, 71, 76, 287, 295, 394, 483

  • target costing, 401

  • target customers, 358

  • target markets, 356, 367368, 412

  • tariffs, 94, 96

  • Tata Steel, 316

  • Tatto Media, 142

  • tax accounting, 475

  • taxes, 16, 538539

    • corporations, 172173

    • increasing and decreasing, 4647

    • online businesses, 287288

    • partnerships, 173

    • saving, 499

    • sole proprietorships, 164, 166, 173

  • tax-exempt status, 179, 180

  • Taylor, Frederick, 233

  • TD Ameritrade, 507

  • teams

    • challenges in workplace, 241242

    • collaboration, 245

    • collective thinking, 241

    • contributing to, 245246

    • creative spatial arrangements, 242

    • cross-functional teams, 243244

    • face-to-face teams, 245

    • generational differences, 241242

    • groupthink, 241

    • playground design, 242

    • prioritizing tasks, 245

    • proactive, 245

    • psychological safety, 243

    • Seven Habits model, 245246

    • skills and talents, 243

    • social media tools, 244

    • status, 243

    • technology and, 244

    • time frame, 243

    • virtual teams, 244, 245

    • visualization, 243

    • win-win solutions, 245

    • working efficiently, 245246

    • workplace advantages, 241

  • technical skills, 203, 204

  • technical support services, 299

  • technological changes, 1214

  • technological environment, 361

  • technology, 20

    • affecting marketing, 361

    • augmented reality (AR), 372

    • benefits, 1213

    • business, 289293

    • changes and supply, 3536

    • cloud-based storage, 14

    • computer-aided design (CAD), 319

    • computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), 319

    • computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), 320

    • computerized inventory systems, 323

    • cutting costs, 12

    • definition, 4, 13

    • electronic monitoring, 297

    • electronic surveillance, 297

    • employees, 296297

    • ethical conduct and, 296

    • information systems (IS), 291293

    • information technology (IT), 289

    • innovations and globalization, 91

    • Internet, 13

    • inventory control, 323

    • management information system (MIS), 291

    • marketing, 284

    • mobile marketing, 135136

    • not implementing reliably, 295296

    • online security, 14

    • privacy, 14, 296297

    • production, 318320

    • productivity, 12

    • radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, 323

    • recruitment and, 257258

    • security, 293297

    • small businesses, 132133, 135136

    • social media, 135136

    • streamlining businesses, 12

    • teams and, 244

    • telecommuting, 13

    • teleconferencing, 13

    • 3D printing, 320

    • training, 261

  • Ted.com, 339

  • Ted’s Montana Grill, 141

  • Telecommunications Act (1996), 127

  • telecommuting, 267

  • teleconferencing, 13

  • telemarketers, 432

  • telephone industries deregulation, 127

  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, 44

  • temporary work, 268

  • tender offer, 182

  • terminating employees, 269

  • Tesla Motors, Inc., 141, 284, 505, 509

  • Texas Nameplate Company, Inc., 325

  • texting, 344

  • T.G.I. Fridays, 3

  • Thaler, Linda Kaplan, 72

  • Thematic Apperception Test, 237

  • TheMedica.com, 286

  • theory of comparative advantage, 93, 94

  • Theory X model, 231

  • Theory Y model, 231

  • Theory Z model, 231232

  • Thiel, Peter, 284

  • third-party logistics, 433

  • Thomson Reuters/PayNet Small Business Lending Index, 464

  • threat of retaliation, 97

  • 360-degree appraisals, 263

  • 3D printing, 320

  • 3M, 108, 505

  • three needs theory, 229230

  • Tickle Me Elmo dolls, 34

  • Tiffany & Company, 395396

  • time, 111

  • time management, 205

  • time management skills, 203, 204

  • time-motion studies, 233

  • time utility, 354

  • Time Warner, 70, 183

  • Titan Aerospace, 183

  • T-Mobile, 38, 39

  • Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), 238

  • top managers, 202203–207

  • tort law, 122123

  • tort reform, 123

  • Toshiba Corporation, 41

  • total product offer, 386

  • total quality management (TQM), 218, 324326

  • Toyota, 9, 90, 123, 354

  • Toys “R” Us, 182

  • Toy Story, 236237

  • trade barriers, 91, 9597

  • trade (B2B) sales promotions, 424425

  • trade credit, 153, 463

  • trade deficits, 107

  • trademarks, 124, 197, 392, 396

  • trade restrictions, 94

  • Trader Joe’s, 368

  • trade secrets, 124

  • trade surpluses, 107

  • traditional theories of motivation, 229230

  • training

    • action learning, 261262

    • apprentice training program, 260

    • coaching/understudy program, 261

    • diversity training, 272

    • Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSSs), 261

    • employees, 259262

    • executive coaches, 262

    • franchisor, 144

    • gamification, 261

    • job rotation, 261

    • management development programs, 261262

    • managers, 261262

    • mentors, 262

    • off-the-job training and development, 262

    • online training, 261

    • on-the-job training, 260

    • orientation program, 259260

    • programmed learning approach, 260261

    • reverse mentoring, 262

    • simulation training, 261

    • small businesses, 151

    • technology, 261

  • Transferwise, 9192

  • transnational strategy, 102

  • transportation, 433434

  • Travelers Group Inc., 184, 310

  • Travelocity, 287

  • Treasury bills (T-bills), 513

  • Treasury bonds (T-bonds), 513, 516

  • Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), 513

  • Treasury notes (T-notes), 513

  • trough, 46

  • truck wholesalers, 429

  • True Value, 432

  • Trulia, 505

  • truth-in-advertising rules, 127

  • Turner, Ted, 141

  • Turner Broadcasting System, 141

  • turnkey projects, 102103, 105

  • Twitter, 7, 12, 71, 112, 135, 198, 256257, 283, 298, 362, 365, 398, 471

  • two-factor theory, 230

  • Tyco International, 75, 476

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