• Facebook, 7, 12, 63, 112, 132, 135137, 140, 198, 256257, 265, 283284, 287, 298, 352, 365, 398

  • Facetime, 300

  • face-to-face teams, 245

  • facility layout, 317318

  • factoring, 153

  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), 129, 259

  • Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (1966), 397

  • Family and Medical Leave Act, 129, 266

  • federal and state regulatory agencies, 127

  • Federal Aviation Agency, 127

  • Federal Communications Commission, 127

  • Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 258

  • Federal Express, 311

  • federal funds rate, 5051

  • federalist system, 120

  • Federal Open Market Committee, 48

  • Federal Reserve Banks, 47, 4851

  • Federal Reserve Board, 45

  • Federal Reserve System, 4749, 51

  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 38, 40, 120, 126127, 362

  • FedEx, 10

  • fee-based models, 287

  • Feedburner, 183

  • female entrepreneurs, 94

  • Fetzer Vineyards, 65

  • Fidelity Investments, 265

  • financial accounting, 474

  • Financial Accounting Standard Board, 475

  • financial capital, 4

  • financial goals, 20, 530

  • financial inventory, 529

  • financial management

    • balance sheet, 459

    • cash flow, 460461

    • commercial banks, 464

    • definition, 457

    • financial plan, 458459

    • income statement, 459

    • statement of cash flows, 459

  • financial managers, 458

  • financial plan, 458459, 529533

  • financial statements

  • financing

  • FINRA BrokerCheck, 508

  • First, Tom, 7

  • first-line managers, 174, 203204, 209

  • fiscal policy, 4647

  • fishbone diagram, 218

  • fixed assets, 480

  • fixed costs, 403, 485

  • fixed expenses, 530

  • fixed floating exchange rate system, 108

  • fixed-position layout, 318

  • Fletcher, Joseph, 60

  • flexible benefit plans (cafeteria plans), 266

  • flexible manufacturing system (FMS), 313

  • flextime, 267

  • floating rate notes (FRNs), 513

  • flow, 227228

  • focus groups, 364, 365, 382

  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 79, 120, 127, 362, 396, 398

  • Ford, Henry, 137, 312, 351

  • Ford Motor Company, 89, 108, 214, 311, 319, 327, 349, 354, 509

  • forecasting, 254

  • Foreign Corrupt Practice Act (1970s), 112

  • foreign direct investment, 91

  • foreign markets, 102105

  • form utility, 354

  • Fortune magazine, 70, 74, 239

  • forward scheduling, 321

  • 403(b) plan, 538

  • 401(k) plan, 265, 538

  • 457 plan, 538

  • FourSquare, 135, 257

  • fractional pricing, 402

  • franchisee, 103, 143, 144

  • franchises, 143146, 432

  • franchising, 103, 105

  • franchisor, 103, 143, 144

  • freely floating (flexible) exchange rate system, 108

  • Freeman, Bruce, 134135

  • free market economy, 6

  • free trade, 96

    • Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), 101

    • Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), 101

    • Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Area (DR-CAFTA), 100

    • General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) (1948), 98

    • MERCOSUR, 101

    • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 100

    • problems, 9899

    • regional agreements, 99101

    • World Trade Organization (WTO) (1995), 98

  • frictional unemployment, 43

  • Friedman, Milton, 69

  • Friend.ly, 140

  • Frozen, 236

  • fuel economy standards, 9

  • full-service wholesalers, 429

  • functional résumé, 442

  • fundamental accounting equation, 476479, 484

  • Fundera, 464

  • funding, 19

    • corporations, 172

    • undercapitalization, 16

  • futures contract, 521

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