Web Exercises

  1. 6-21 Business Combinations

    Look on the Internet for a current example of a business merger, takeover, or acquisition. Explain the circumstances of the event. What companies are involved? Was the event friendly or unfriendly? What are the reasons given for the combination? What is your opinion of this business combination? Do you think it is a good business decision? Why or why not?

  2. 6-22 Student-Friendly Businesses

    You have decided to start your own business. You want it to be something you can do while you’re still a student. Research on the Web ideas for small businesses for students. Describe at least three different ideas and include what form of business ownership you would use to structure each business.

  3. 6-23 The Perfect Partner

    Search the Web for information on how to pick the perfect business partner. Write a list of rules for picking the perfect business partner based on what you have learned. What factors should be taken into account? What can you do to avoid trouble in the future?

  4. 6-24 Plan with the End in Mind

    Beginning a business requires a lot of planning, but even still, the business often fails. However, most business owners do not have an “exit plan” in mind when they start the venture. Research the main causes of business failures and what kind of exit strategies can be set in place at the beginning to ease the pain if the business needs to close.

  5. 6-25 Cooperatives and You!

    Can you identify and or manage a cooperative? Go to www.coops.wisc.edu and play the “Find the Co-op” and “You’re the Boss!” games. Write a brief summary of what you learned while playing both games.


Go to the Assignments section of your MyBizLab to complete these writing exercises:

  1. An image shows a star blue icon.6-26 Discuss the various types of mergers and give examples of each.

  2. An image shows a star blue icon.6-27 Discuss when a corporate structure may be the best structure for a small business. What aspects of the business would benefit from the corporate structure, and what are the downfalls of choosing a corporate structure for a small business?

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