Team Time

The Devil’s Advocate

Read the following issues and questions. Which side of the issue do you believe is correct? Form a group with other students in the class who share your belief. As a group, play devil’s advocate by creating a case for the opposing side of the issue. Now that you’ve considered both sides, you’re ready to debate the opposition.

  1. In the recent wave of globalization, developing countries have become the focus for many international businesses. Is this process of globalization the best way to strengthen developing countries and establish a level playing field, or does it keep them under the control of wealthy industries and increase income inequality?

  2. Free trade versus protectionism is a heated debate in today’s fragile economy. Which is better for the health of the U.S. economy over the next 10 years—free trade or protectionism?

  3. Currently, the minimum age for a child to work in Indonesia is 12 years old. The minimum age for a child to work in the United States is 14 years old. If a garment company from the United States decides to outsource production to Indonesia, would it be ethical for the company to hire 12- or 13-year-old workers in the factory?


  1. Step 1. Meet as a group to discuss the issue. Remember that you must build a case for the side you chose. Look for problems with your own personal beliefs to develop a case for your side.

  2. Step 2. Prepare an individual response that supports your side of the issue.

  3. Step 3. Share your response with your group. Think of possible rebuttals for each response. Then alter any responses that can produce a strong rebuttal.

  4. Step 4. Determine who will be the group’s primary spokesperson for the debate.

  5. Step 5. Each group will be given five minutes to present its side of the issue. After each group has presented its argument, each team will be given five minutes to prepare a rebuttal and then three minutes to present the rebuttal.

  6. Step 6. Repeat with other groups.

  7. Step 7. After each group has debated, discuss whether anyone’s personal views have changed after this assignment.

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