Team Time

The Great Debate

Your instructor will divide the class into three groups and assign each group one of the following debate topics. Once in your group, divide the group into two smaller groups to prepare stances on your assigned debate issues.

Debate Topics

  1. 2-19 In 2009, the government bailed out several large banks and automotive and insurance firms in an effort to thwart a huge financial crisis. Were the government’s actions successful?

  2. 2-20 Minimum-wage laws were introduced in the 1930s to protect workers after the Great Depression. Whether to increase the minimum wage continues to be an animated topic of discussion. What impact does increasing the minimum wage have on small business owners? Does increasing the minimum wage benefit the worker, or does it ultimately result in higher unemployment?

  3. 2-21 Taxation and tax cuts are fodder for volatile debate among political leaders. Many of them claim that tax cuts help strengthen the economy by freeing up money to increase spending. Others claim that past tax cuts have not had a positive effect on the economy, have caused greater stress on the government’s budget, and have reduced the government’s ability to spend on important public needs. Do tax cuts benefit the economy?


  1. Step 1. After dividing your group into two debate sides, meet separately to discuss the issues of the debate.

  2. Step 2. Group members should then individually prepare their responses to their side of the debate issue.

  3. Step 3. Gather your smaller groups and discuss the responses provided by each group member. Develop a single list of responses.

  4. Step 4. Determine who will be the group’s primary spokesperson for the debate.

  5. Step 5. Each group will be given five minutes to present its side of the issue. After each group has presented its argument, each team will be given five minutes to prepare a rebuttal and then three minutes to present the rebuttal.

  6. Step 6. Repeat this process with the other groups.

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