• Dahl, Richard, 139

  • damage control, 420

  • Damon, Matt, 64

  • Darby, Joseph, 75

  • data, 291

  • database management systems (DBMSs), 291

  • databases, 291

  • data breaches, 295296

  • Data.com, 256

  • data marts, 291292

  • data mining, 292

  • data warehouses, 291

  • Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, 71

  • dealer brand, 395

  • debenture bonds, 513

  • debt, 471472

  • debt financing, 468

  • debt-to-equity ratio, 483484

  • decision-making skills, 203, 204205

  • decision support system (DSS), 292

  • Deere and Company, 366

  • defensive stocks, 505

  • defined benefit plans, 265, 537

  • defined contribution plans, 265, 537538

  • deflation, 42, 49

  • Delancey Street Foundation, 141

  • Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion and Purpose (Hsieh), 238

  • Dell, Michael, 132

  • Dell Computer, 90, 102, 104, 298299, 313, 323

  • DeLuca, Fred, 152153, 155

  • demand, 3235

  • demand-based pricing, 400, 401402

  • demand curve, 32

  • demand deposit, 464

  • Deming, W. Edwards, 325

  • democratic leaders, 235236

  • democratization, 92

  • demographic changes, 34

  • demographic segmentation, 368

  • departmentalization, 212

  • Department of Justice, 38, 183

  • Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), 295

  • depreciation, 480

  • depression, 46

  • deregulation, 127

  • design patents, 123

  • determinants of demand and supply, 3335

  • devalue, 106

  • developing nations, 91, 108109

  • DigiScents, 136

  • digital media, 398

  • Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DCMA) (1998), 124125, 288

  • digital rights, 124125

  • direct-mail advertising, 415

  • direct marketers, 432

  • direct sellers, 432

  • disability insurance, 535536

  • discount rate, 50

  • discounts, 403

  • discrimination and hiring, 128

  • disinflation, 49

  • distribution, 357, 433434

  • distribution channel, 357, 426, 428

  • distribution warehouses, 434

  • distributor brand, 395

  • distributors, 357

  • District 9, 285286

  • diversity, 9, 270272

  • dividends, 504

  • Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010), 47, 476

  • domestic partner benefits, 266

  • Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Area (DR-CAFTA), 100

  • Donahoe, John, 140

  • Dos Equis, 361

  • double entry bookkeeping, 477

  • double taxation, 175

  • Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), 310, 498, 510

  • Dropbox, 343

  • drop shippers, 429

  • Drucker, Peter, 137, 235

  • DSL, 37

  • due diligence, 147

  • Duke Energy, 504

  • dumping, 97

  • Dunkin’ Donuts, 36

  • Dunn, Patricia, 296

  • duopolies, 39

  • DuPont, 262

  • durable goods, 389

  • Dynamic Internet Technology (DIT), 78

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