• Sacks, David, 284

  • safety needs, 229

  • Safeway, 394

  • salaries, 265

  • sales, 198

  • sales era, 351

  • sales force, 421422

  • sales law, 125127

  • sales promotions, 424425

  • Sally Hansen, 385

  • Salvation Army, 76

  • Samsung, 67

  • Sanaria, 77

  • Sara Lee, 394

  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) (2002), 75, 174, 296, 476477

  • SAS, 228

  • SAS Institute, 266

  • savings, 497499

  • scatter plot, 218

  • scheduling, 321

  • Schultz, Howard, 66, 73

  • Sciarra, Paul, 2

  • SC Johnson, 381382

  • S corporation, 175178

  • Scott, Tom, 7

  • search engine optimization (SEO), 417

  • search engine optimization specialists, 299

  • Sears, 395

  • Sears Holdings, 394

  • seasonal unemployment, 44

  • secondary data, 364365

  • secondary market, 504

  • secured bonds, 512513

  • secured loans, 464

  • securities, 468

  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 74, 120, 173, 183, 467, 501, 503, 512

  • Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), 508

  • security, 20

  • selective distribution, 431

  • self-financing, 463

  • Seligman, Martin, 62

  • selling agents, 430

  • selling process, 422

  • semicontrolled messages, 419

  • sequencing, 321

  • serial bonds, 514

  • serial entrepreneurs, 141

  • series EE bonds, 513

  • series I bonds, 513

  • service-based economy, 310

  • Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), 151, 199

  • Service Employees International Union, 274

  • service industries, 313314

  • service marks, 124

  • service organizations and supply chain management, 330

  • services, 3, 27

    • absolute advantage, 93

    • available for purchase, 31

    • business plans, 543

    • consumer price index (CPI), 4243

    • currency, 31

    • finding and training personnel, 197

    • government role in, 2829

    • level of competition, 3739

    • pricing, 398404

    • production, 309311

    • resources to produce, 4

  • Seven Habits model, 245246

  • SGL Carbon, 326

  • Shah, Premal, 284

  • shareholders, 173

  • Shark Tank, 134, 155

  • Sharp, Evan, 2

  • Shazam, 12

  • Shell, 66

  • Sherman Act (1890), 126

  • Sherman Antitrust Act, 37

  • Shimizu, Masataka, 238

  • shortage, 32

  • short-term financing, 462464, 481

  • short-term funding for large companies, 467

  • short-term interest rates, 5051

  • short-term liabilities, 482

  • short-term loans and grants, 464465

  • Siemens, 103

  • Sierra Club, 353

  • Silberman, Ben, 2

  • Silbert, Mimi, 141

  • Simplified Employee Pension Individual Retirement Arrangement (SEP IRA), 537

  • simulation training, 261

  • simultaneous engineering, 319

  • Singer Sewing Machines, 143

  • Sirius Satellite Radio, 40, 182

  • Sirius XM Radio, 40, 59

  • situational analysis, 366

  • situational ethics, 60

  • situational influences, 371

  • Six Sigma, 220, 326

  • 60 Minutes, 75

  • skilled labor, 316

  • Skilling, Jeffrey, 75

  • Skype, 344

  • Slide, 284

  • SlideShare, 257

  • Small Business Administration (SBA), 131132, 192, 199

    • Office of Advocacy, 133

    • Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), 151

  • small businesses, 15

    • advisory board, 152

    • banks lending money to, 464

    • business incubators, 151152

    • business plan, 149150

    • consumers, 133

    • control, 134

    • cooperative relationships with larger companies, 133

    • economy and, 131133

    • enterprise zones, 152

    • excessive debt accumulation, 148149

    • financial independence, 134

    • financing, 152155, 462466

    • flexibility, 134

    • grants, 465

    • green industry, 133

    • help for, 150152

    • innovation, 132133

    • jobs, 132

    • Kickstarter business, 153

    • minorities, 133

    • mission statement, 149

    • naming, 135

    • nonbank lenders, 464465

    • owner’s roles, 152

    • partners, 152

    • personal sacrifices, 149150

    • poor fiscal management, 149

    • product or service not offered, 134

    • reasons for starting, 134135

    • risks, 148152

    • short-term financing, 462464

    • short-term loans and grants, 464465

    • social funding, 465466

    • support services, 151152

    • technology, 132133, 135136

    • training, 151

    • unemployment, 134135

    • workforce, 133

  • small business investment company (SBIC) program, 155

  • small-cap funds, 519

  • Snapchat, 135, 361

  • snob effect, 402

  • social audit, 6970

  • social class, 370

  • social entrepreneurs, 141

  • social environment, 810, 19, 362

  • social funding, 465466

  • Social Intelligence, 257

  • social intrapreneurs, 141

  • socialism, 29

  • socially responsible investing (SRI), 72

  • social media, 135136

    • advertising, 417

    • consumer input on products, 387

    • crowdsourced funding, 299300

    • ethics, 63

    • jobs, 299

    • manufacturing, 314

    • market research, 365

    • monitoring business, 298299

    • privacy, 257

    • problems with, 362

    • promoting products, 425426

    • secondary data, 364

    • starting and funding new businesses, 299300

    • strategy for use, 198

    • technical support services, 299

    • time management, 205

    • useful information, 299

    • viral marketing, 425

  • Social Media Command Center, 298

  • social media copywriters, 299

  • Social Media Governance, 257

  • social media managers, 299

  • social media marketing specialists, 299

  • social media strategist, 299

  • social media tools, 244

  • social networking

    • changing business, 298

    • corporate social responsibility (CSR), 71

  • social networking sites, 7, 256257, 287

  • social networks and venture capital, 471

  • Social Security, 8, 9, 44

  • societal marketing, 352

  • society

    • laws, 61

    • marketing benefits, 353

  • sociocultural challenges, 110111

  • sociocultural influences, 370

  • socioeconomic factors, 109

  • Solar City, 77

  • Sole Brother Custom Sneakers, 20

  • Solectron Corp., 325

  • sole proprietorships, 178

    • advantages and disadvantages, 164166

    • corporate records, 164

    • dependent on owners, 172

    • ease of establishing, 163, 164

    • employees, 164

    • employer identification number (EIN), 164

    • financial sacrifices, 166

    • financing, 166

    • investments, 166

    • versus partnerships, 168

    • personal liability, 165166

    • selling, 166

    • starting, 163164

    • taxes, 166, 173

    • tax returns, 164

  • Sony, 14, 67

  • Sony Pictures Entertainment, 295

  • Southwest Airlines, 215, 239, 386387

  • sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), 107

  • SpaceX, 240, 284

  • span of control, 212

  • specialized industry portals, 286

  • specialized professional services, 390

  • specialty distributors, 429

  • specialty goods and services, 389

  • Spiegel, Evan, 135

  • Spoke, 256

  • Sprinkles Cupcakes, 135

  • Sprint, 39

  • spyware, 294

  • Square, 284

  • Squarespace, 134

  • SRI International, 103

  • staff departments, 215

  • staffing, 253257

  • Staggers Rail Act (1980), 127

  • standardized products, 102

  • Standard & Poor’s, 469, 514, 516

    • 500 Composite Index (S&P 500), 510

  • Staples, 126, 183

  • Starbucks, 36, 73, 137, 392, 393

    • “Shared Planet” progress plan, 78

  • state laws, 16, 18

  • statement of cash flows, 459, 479, 487489

  • statistical process control (SPC), 325

  • statistical quality control (SQC), 325

  • statutory laws, 120

  • Staw, Barry, 241

  • Stephenson, Mary, 76

  • Stephenson, Richard, 76, 79

  • Sterling, Donald, 420

  • Stern, Howard, 40, 59

  • Stewart, Martha, 501

  • stock book solution, 323

  • stockbrokers, 506508

  • stock certificate, 471

  • stock exchange, 507

  • stockholders, 173

  • stock mutual funds, 519

  • stock options, 265

  • stocks, 468, 471

    • advantages and disadvantages, 471

    • bear market, 511

    • blue chip stocks, 505

    • bull market, 511

    • buying and selling, 506507

    • buying on margin, 508

    • common stock, 504

    • cyclical stocks, 505

    • defensive stocks, 505

    • dividends, 504

    • economy, 506

    • foreign companies, 508

    • fundamentals, 506

    • growth stocks, 505

    • income stocks, 504

    • index, 510

    • influencing prices of, 508509

    • initial public offering (IPO), 471, 503504

    • investment bankers, 503

    • investor behaviors, 509

    • over-the-counter (OTC) stocks, 507

    • past performance, 506

    • preferred stock, 504

    • primary market, 503504

    • prospectus, 503

    • published analyses, 506

    • S corporation, 177

    • secondary market, 504

    • selecting, 505506

    • setting goals, 506

    • stockbrokers, 506508

    • stock exchange, 507

    • stock market index, 510511

    • trading, 507508

    • underwriter, 503

    • value stocks, 505

  • Stonecipher, Harry C., 6364

  • storage warehouses, 434

  • store brand, 395

  • strategic alliances, 104, 105

  • strategic planning, 206207

  • Strauss, William, 241242

  • streaming video, 67

  • strength-based management, 232233

  • strict liability, 122

  • strikebreakers, 275

  • strikes, 274275

  • strong dollar, 106, 109

  • structural unemployment, 4344

  • substitute goods, 35, 37

  • Subway, 56, 153, 354, 432

  • Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc., 325

  • suppliers

    • credit to small businesses, 463

    • number of, 3637

    • selecting, 328329

  • supply, 3132, 3537

  • supply chain management, 329330

  • supply chains, 1617, 328

  • supply curve, 32

  • support goods, 389

  • support personnel, 422

  • surplus, 32

  • SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis, 208209

  • synergy, 182

  • systems of ethical conduct, 5960

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