Web Exercises

  1. 3-19 Government’s Role in Happiness

    The country of Bhutan is the only country that measures its progress by the level of happiness of its citizens, a metric named the gross national happiness (GNH). Examine www.grossnationalhappiness.com and see if you think the idea of a GNH measurement can be incorporated into organizational decision making.

  2. 3-20 Identifying Your Strengths

    Visit the website of Martin Seligman, a psychologist who promotes the field of positive psychology, at www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu. Complete the VIA Survey of Character Strengths. Consider how you can use your strengths each day in the work schedule you have right now.

  3. 3-21 Socially Conscious: How Do Your Investments Measure Up?

    When you invest in mutual funds, you can make decisions in different ways. You may want to just put money into funds that had the greatest gain last year, or you may want to invest in funds that are collections of socially responsible companies. Find several socially conscious mutual funds. What restrictions do they make on the companies they include? What is their average rate of return?

  4. 3-22 Whistle-Blower or Traitor?

    Worldwide repercussions were felt when Edward Snowden released thousands of classified documents showing that the National Security Agency was running an international surveillance program. Snowden was charged with espionage and theft and fled the country. Find supporting evidence for both points of view—that Snowden committed espionage and endangered the country and that his actions were in the interest of the citizens of the United States. Does whistle-blowing include illegal behavior? Should he be convicted or pardoned?

  5. 3-23 Corporate Social Responsibility with Your Prescription

    CVS Pharmacy has made the decision to stop selling cigarettes and other tobacco products, even though it earns an estimated $2 billion a year from these products. Visit the CVS Caremark website and examine its Code of Conduct and statements on corporate responsibility. Discuss how this decision could be presented to customers, to stockholders, and to employees. How should a pharmacy balance the health needs of its customers with the business demands of its stockholders? In what ways could this decision increase profitibility?


Go to the Assignments section of your MyBizLab to complete these writing exercises.

  1. An image shows a star blue icon. 3-24 How do your personal ethics impact your business decisions? How do they influence what products you decide to purchase? How do they influence your decisions around employment? How do you evaluate the ethical behavior of companies to compare them to your personal ethics?

  2. An image shows a star blue icon. 3-25 How does a corporation’s responsibility to shareholders to produce a profit interact with its social responsibility? Name several areas of possible conflict and analyze them from both a short-term and a long-term view.

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