• Gallup Organization, 227

  • gamification, 261

  • Gantt, Henry, 321

  • Gantt charts, 321

  • The Gap, Inc., 66, 509

  • Garnier, 8

  • Gartner, 372

  • Gates, Bill, 194

  • gazelles, 141

  • Genco, 316

  • General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) (1948), 98

  • General Electric (GE), 90, 108, 207, 220, 310311, 352, 387, 505

  • General Food, 398

  • generally acceptable accounting principles (GAAP), 475, 476

  • General Motors (GM), 47, 108, 483

  • general obligation bonds, 514

  • general partners, 170

  • general partnership, 169170, 178

  • generic brand, 395

  • genericized trademarks, 396

  • genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 95

  • Gen-Xers, 241

  • geographic segmentation, 367368

  • GigaBiter, 133

  • Gilbreth, Frank, 233

  • Gilbreth, Lillian, 233

  • Gizmodo website, 295

  • Glassdoor.com, 257, 449

  • global advertisements, 418

  • global business trends, 9192

  • global economy, 310311

  • global environment, 362363

  • globalization, 1012, 1920

    • controversy, 11

    • definition, 10, 90

    • effects of, 9091

    • free trade, 96, 98101

    • global economies, 361

    • international businesses, 101113

    • international trade, 9395

    • Internet, 11

    • manufacturing, 91

    • marketing opportunities, 90

    • offshoring, 11

    • production, 91

    • protectionism, 97

    • technological innovations, 91

    • trade and investment barriers, 91

    • trade barriers, 9597

    • United States, 90

  • Global Manufacturing Competitive Index, 311

  • global quality standards, 326327

  • global strategy, 102

  • Gmail, 141, 181

  • Go!, 296

  • goals, 206, 208209

  • golden parachutes, 270

  • Goldman Sachs Group Inc., 310, 502, 503

  • good-neighbor policies, 6869

  • Goodnight, Jim, 228

  • goods, 3, 27

    • absolute advantage, 93

    • available for purchase, 31

    • competition, 3739

    • complementary, 3435

    • consumer price index (CPI), 4243

    • currency, 31

    • government, 2829, 112

    • pricing, 398404

    • production, 309311

    • resources, 4

    • substitute, 35

  • goodwill, 147

  • Goodyear, 108

  • Google, 8, 40, 78, 112, 132, 135, 140141, 181183, 185, 284, 393, 417, 505

  • Gopman, Greg, 63

  • government

    • accounting, 474475

    • business cycle, 46

    • economic policies, 4651, 109

    • female entrepreneurs, 94

    • fiscal policy, 4647

    • infrastructure, 94

    • intervention over goods, 112

    • monetary policy, 4749

    • money supply, 4851

    • private company investments, 94

    • promoting technological advances, 94

    • public capital, 94

    • reserve requirements, 4950

    • role in goods and services, 2829

    • short-term interest rates, 5051

    • spending to stimulate economy, 47

    • tariffs, 94

    • taxes, 4647

    • trade restrictions, 94

  • government bonds, 513

  • Grameen Bank, 299

  • grants, 154, 465

  • Grapevine Mall, 136

  • Great Depression, 50, 351

  • Great Recession, 47

  • green movement, 910

  • Greenwald, Robert, 69

  • gross domestic product (GDP), 4142, 46, 310

  • gross profit, 485

  • gross profit margin, 485, 486

  • groupthink, 241

  • growth entrepreneurs, 140141

  • growth funds, 519

  • growth stocks, 505

  • GTE, 182

  • Gupta, Rajat, 502

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