• UberVU, 298

  • uncontrolled messages, 419

  • Under Armour, 137, 483484, 486487

  • undercapitalization, 16

  • underwriter, 503

  • unemployment, 134135

  • unemployment rate, 4344

  • unethical behavior, 60

  • unexpected expenses, 530

  • unfinished products, 323

  • Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), 125

  • United Airlines, 319

  • United Auto Workers (UAW), 274

  • United States

    • Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Area (DR-CAFTA), 100

    • downgrade of debt, 516

    • fuel economy standards, 9

    • globalization, 90

    • global manufacturing competition, 310

    • Great Depression, 351

    • manufacturing importance, 310

    • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 100

    • shutting down manufacturing plants, 1011

    • subsidies, 96

    • tariffs and trade restrictions, 11

    • time, 111

    • unemployment rate, 44

  • University of California-Berkeley, 241

  • unlimited liability, 165

  • unsought goods and services, 389

  • UPS, 257, 267, 286

  • U.S. Army, 261

  • U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, 75

  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 42

  • U.S. Cellular, 343

  • U.S. Census Bureau, 9

  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, 64

  • U.S. Clean Air Act, 67

  • U.S. Constitution, 120

  • U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 74

  • U.S. Justice Department, 40, 126

  • U.S. legal system, 120

  • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 123, 124

  • U.S. Postal Service, 270, 339

  • U.S. savings bonds, 513

  • U.S. Supreme Court, 6970

  • US Airways, 38, 182, 183

  • Ustream, 339

  • utility companies, 38

  • utility patents, 123

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