Team Time

Take This $50,000 and Invest It!

Assemble in teams of four or five students. Suppose your team is given a theoretical $50,000 that you need to invest. Your team must assemble a portfolio by selecting a minimum of five investments but no more than 10 investments. The portfolios should be well diversified and include different types of stocks from different industries or sectors.


  1. Step 1. Your team should fill out the following charts as you conduct your research:

    Name of Investment Type of Investment Industry/Sector

    Investment Purchase Price Number of Shares Initial Value Percentage of Total Portfolio
  2. Step 2. Your team should prepare a presentation outlining your investment choices. The presentation should include reasons why you included each investment choice in the portfolio. In addition, the presentation should discuss the diversification strategies you took.

  3. Step 3. As an optional ongoing exercise, teams should monitor their portfolios on a weekly basis. At the end of the specified period of time, teams should determine which team portfolio has the highest value.

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