Self Test: Multiple Choice

You can find the answers on the last page of this text.

  1. 11-1 Which is a consideration when picking the best location for a company

    1. proximity to customers.

    2. proximity to raw materials.

    3. proximity to skilled labor.

    4. all of the above.

  2. 11-2 Mass customization is achieved by using which type of system?

    1. Flexible manufacturing system

    2. Lean production

    3. Forward processing

    4. Backward processing

  3. 11-3 Which production process strives to reduce waste and improve production flow?

    1. Mass customization

    2. Mass production

    3. Lean production

    4. Assembly line production

  4. 11-4 If the Ford Motor Company wants to understand the aerodynamics of a new auto body, which of the following would be used to create a virtual three-dimensional model of the auto body?

    1. CAD

    2. Simultaneous engineering

    3. CIM

    4. Robotics

  5. 11-5 Which of the following is a set of environmental quality standards that can be applied to any organization?

    1. Six Sigma

    2. ISO 14001

    3. ISO 9001

    4. TQM

  6. 11-6 An inventory system that keeps the smallest amount of inventory on hand is called

    1. a just-in-time system.

    2. radio frequency tagging.

    3. materials requirement planning.

    4. enterprise resource planning.

  7. 11-7 Which feature distinguishes a PERT chart from a Gantt chart?

    1. A PERT chart creates a time line of production tasks.

    2. A PERT chart creates a work flow for production equipment.

    3. A PERT chart identifies the critical path of tasks in a project.

    4. A PERT chart predicts the completion time of a project.

  8. 11-8 Radio frequency identification is used to

    1. keep track of the status and quantity of each inventory item.

    2. keep track of the customer base for a product in the store.

    3. stay in touch with other workers in a factory.

    4. keep track of natural resources as they ship to the factory.

  9. 11-9 Which type of facility layout would be best used for the production of custom-designed bicycles?

    1. Product layout

    2. Process layout

    3. Cellular layout

    4. Fixed position layout

  10. 11-10 A distinction between Six Sigma and TQM is:

    1. reducing errors throughout the production process

    2. improving customer satisfaction

    3. identifying potential errors.

    4. obtaining near perfection through continuous improvement


You can find the answers on the last page of this text.

  1. 11-11 Robots can work around the clock with good accuracy and in potentially hazardous conditions.

    1. □ True or □ False

  2. 11-12 CIM refers to using computer software to create two- or three-dimensional models of parts or devices.

    1. □ True or □ False

  3. 11-13 Supply chain management refers to the process of delivering the supplies necessary for manufacturing.

    1. □ True or □ False

  4. 11-14 The make-or-buy decision determines what part of the production process needs to outsourced.

    1. □ True or □ False

  5. 11-15 Because the United States is more of a service-based economy, manufacturing is not a contributor to the GDP.

    1. □ True or □ False

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. An image shows a star blue icon.11-16 Supply chain management is the management of activities from all organizations involved in producing and delivering a good or service. Describe the supply chain that delivers education at your college. What internal and external components does it involve? What improvements might be made?

  2. An image shows a star blue icon.11-17 Providing quality customer service is an important factor in any service organization, yet we often have to wait extended periods of time to be seen by a doctor or have had bad service at a restaurant, for example. Think about a time when you had a bad experience from a service provider. Describe the experience and then list some suggestions to improve the service.

  3. An image shows a star blue icon.11-18 A sports equipment company is known for a special grip on its tennis racquets that is imported from South America. The cost of shipping these grips has grown steadily more expensive, and the business would like to produce the grips in-house. What factors does the business need to consider before adding another step to the production process?

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