Team Time

Seeing Both Sides

Walmart has been both praised and criticized for many of its HR policies. Form teams of four students. Divide each team into two subgroups.

  1. Subgroup 1—Good HR Practices: Research articles about the positive HR policies and practices Walmart has implemented. Prepare a summary paper outlining your findings.

  2. Subgroup 2—Bad HR Practices: Research articles about the negative HR policies and practices Walmart has implemented. Prepare a summary paper outlining your findings.


  1. Step 1. As a group, compile your findings, comparing the positive and negative policies. Were there instances in which a policy started out as a positive and ended up being negative or vice versa? How did the policies work with Walmart’s strategic goals? How have the policies affected Walmart’s stock price and bottom line?

  2. Step 2. If you were employed as an HR consultant for Walmart, what kind of advice would you give the company based on your findings?

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