• Cadbury Schweppes, 80

  • Cafepress, 313

  • callable bonds, 514

  • Calvert Investment Company, 70

  • Campbell, 397

  • Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), 79

  • capacity planning, 315

  • capital, 4

  • capital budget, 459460

  • capital flight, 108

  • capital gain, 500

  • capital loss, 500

  • CarChip, 217

  • Carney, Dan, 192

  • Carney, Frank, 192

  • Casalena, Anthony, 134

  • Case, Stephen, 183

  • case law, 120

  • cash-and-carry wholesalers, 429

  • cash flow, 460461

  • cash flow statement, 198

  • Castro, Fidel, 96

  • Caterpillar, 311

  • Cattell 16 PF, 237

  • cause-and-effect diagram, 218

  • C corporation, 172, 178

    • versus S corporation, 175

  • CD Radio, 40

  • cellular layout, 318

  • censorship, 7778

  • CEO Challenges, 138

  • ceoExpress.com, 286

  • challenges and opportunities

    • competition, 67

    • globalization, 1012

    • local business, 1516

    • multinational enterprises, 1718

    • national businesses, 1617

    • regional business, 1516

    • social environment, 810

    • technological changes, 1214

  • Chang, Henry, 3, 235

  • Change to Win Federation, 273274

  • Chapter 7 bankruptcy, 128

  • Chapter 11 bankruptcy, 128

  • Chapter 13 bankruptcy, 129

  • Charleston Area Medical Center Health System, 325

  • Charm, 140

  • Charter School of San Diego, 325

  • Chase Community Giving Program, 71

  • Chase Manhattan Corp, 181

  • cheating, 67

  • Chen, Steve, 284

  • Chick-fil-A, 228229

  • chief executive officer (CEO), 174, 202

  • chief financial officer (CFO), 174, 202, 458

  • chief information officer (CIO), 202, 289

  • chief operations officer (COO), 174, 202

  • China, 111112

    • currency exchange rates, 108

    • economic transformation of, 10

    • globalization, 90

    • low labor costs, 11

    • manufacturing, 3, 311

    • Wuhan Urban traffic control system, 103

  • Chiquita, 68

  • Choosy, 140

  • Chopourian, Ani, 203

  • Chroma Technology Corp., 70

  • chronological résumé, 442

  • Chrysler, 47

  • Cisco, 267, 310

  • Cisco WebEx, 244

  • Citicorp, 184

  • Citigroup, Inc., 107, 184

  • A Civil Action, 68

  • Civil Rights Act (1964), 128, 258

  • class-action lawsuits, 123

  • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914), 126

  • click fraud, 284

  • Clif Bar, Inc., 70

  • Clinton, Bill, 89

  • closing businesses laws, 128129

  • cloud-based storage, 14

  • cloud computing, 301

  • CNN, 141

  • co-brand, 395

  • Coca-Cola Company, 4, 10, 35, 39, 90, 102, 108, 124, 383, 385, 387, 395

  • code of conduct, 65

  • code of ethics, 65, 80

  • coincident indicators, 4143

  • cold calling, 450451

  • Cold Stone Creamery, 261

  • collaborative communication tools, 344346

  • collaborative editing, 345

  • collateral, 464

  • collective bargaining, 274275

  • collective experience, 144

  • college campus career resources, 451

  • collision insurance, 536

  • Comcast, 6

  • commercial banks, 464

  • commercialization, 383

  • commercial paper, 467

  • common law, 120

  • Common Market, 99

  • common stock, 504

  • communication, 358

  • communism, 2829

  • The Communist Manifesto (Marx), 28

  • community-based models, 287

  • companies

    • annual report, 474

    • assessing weaknesses, 366

    • bonds, 511512

    • breaking the law and making money, 7475

    • budget, 461

    • cleaning house, 75

    • code of ethics, 65

    • diversity issues, 271272

    • excellence, 74

    • integrity, 74

    • mergers, 126

    • mission statement, 65

    • negative publicity, 420

    • planning and unexpected events, 210211

    • recovering from ethical lapse, 7576

    • respect, 74

    • staying on course, 217

  • company profile, 196

  • company strategy, 196

  • company websites, 286

  • comparative advantage, 93

  • compensation, 265266

  • competition, 126, 360

    • assessing, 197

    • consumers, 6

    • customer satisfaction, 67

    • definition, 6

    • degrees of, 3739

    • duopolies, 39

    • marketplace, 6

    • monopolies, 38

    • monopolistic competition, 39

    • oliogopolies, 39

    • partnerships, 8

    • perfect competition, 39

    • social networking sites, 7

  • competition-based pricing, 400, 401402

  • competitive advantage, 94

  • competitive environment, 360

  • complementary goods, 3435

  • component parts, 390

  • compound interest, 497498, 532

  • comprehensive insurance, 536

  • computer-aided design (CAD), 319

  • computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), 319

  • computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), 320

  • conceptual skills, 203, 204

  • conglomeration, 184

  • Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO), 273

  • consideration, 122

  • Constant Contact, 283

  • constitutional law, 120

  • consultants, 268

  • consumables, 323

  • Consumer Bill of Rights (1962), 74

  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), 47

  • consumer price index (CPI), 4243

  • Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights, 292

  • consumer products, 388389

  • Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), 104, 312, 362, 397

  • Consumer Reports, 287

  • consumers

    • behavior, 369373

    • competition, 6

    • connecting to manufacturers, 314

    • corporate social responsibility (CSR), 68

    • decision-making, 369370

    • input affecting product development, 387

    • marketing benefits, 353354

    • preferences and demand, 34

    • small businesses, 133

  • consumer sales promotions, 424

  • consumer to consumer (C2C) trade, 13

  • consumer-to-consumer (C2C) transactions, 287

  • contextual advertising, 284

  • contingency planning, 210211

  • contingent workers, 268

  • continuous flow production, 312

  • contract manufacturing, 104, 105

  • contracts, 121122

  • control chart, 218

  • control strategies, 217218, 220

  • convenience, 358

  • convenience goods and services, 388

  • convenience products, 388

  • convenience stores, 2

  • convertible bonds, 513

  • Cook, David, 140

  • Cooke, Catherine, 140

  • Cooke, Geoff, 140

  • Coolest Cooler, 153

  • cooperatives, 180, 432

  • copyrights, 124, 197

  • core product, 386

  • Cornell University, 230

  • corporate accounting, 473474

  • corporate bonds, 512513

  • corporate chain stores, 432

  • corporate culture, 238239

  • corporate philanthropy, 7071

  • corporate social responsibility (CSR), 6873

  • corporations

    • board of directors, 174

    • C corporation, 172

    • cheating, 67

    • chief executive officer (CEO), 174

    • chief financial officer (CFO), 174

    • chief operating officer (COO), 174

    • definition, 171

    • double taxation, 175

    • first-line managers, 174

    • funding, 172

    • incorporation, 174175

    • limited liability company (LLC), 176177

    • as people, 70

    • privately held (or closed) corporations, 173

    • protecting personal assets, 171, 172

    • publicly owned corporation, 173

    • S corporation, 175176

    • shareholders, 172173

    • stockholders, 173

    • structure, 173174

    • taxes, 172173

    • where to incorporate, 173

  • cost-based pricing, 400401

  • Costco, 6

  • cost of goods sold, 484485

  • cost-plus pricing, 400

  • costs, 358, 403

  • countertrade, 108

  • coupon, 512

  • Coursera.org website, 140

  • Coverall Health-Based Cleaning Systems, 145

  • cover letter, 444448

  • cover sheet, 548

  • Covey, Stephen, 245

  • credit cards, 463

  • credit score, 534

  • critical path, 321

  • Crocs, 384

  • cross-cultural awareness, 110

  • cross-functional teams, 243244

  • Crowdfunder, 465466

  • crowdfunding websites, 153, 465

  • crowdsourced funding, 299300

  • Cruise Planners, 144, 145

  • Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 227

  • cultural differences, 1718

  • cultural environment, 362

  • culture, 110111, 370

  • Culver’s, 207

  • currency, 31, 106

  • current assets, 480

  • current liabilities, 481

  • current ratio, 482483

  • customer relationship management (CRM), 352

  • customers

    • better communication with, 12

    • business law, 127128

    • competition, 67

    • individual solutions for, 358

  • CVS Caremark, 16, 394

  • cyclical stocks, 505

  • cyclical unemployment, 44

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