Business Plan Project Appendix

Part 1. Introduction

Business Name

What is the name of your business?

Hint: When choosing a name for your business, make sure it captures the spirit of the business you’re creating. Also refer to the BizChat in Chapter 5 for tips on naming your business.

Description of Business

What will your business do?

Hint: Imagine that you’re explaining your business to a family member or a friend. It should be easy to explain, using 30 words or less.

Form of Business Ownership

What form of business ownership (sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or corporation) will your business take? Why did you choose this form?

Hint: For more information on forms of business ownership, refer to Chapter 6.

Ideal Customers

Describe your ideal customers. What are they like in terms of age, income level, and so on?

Hint: You don’t have to go into too much detail in this part of the plan; you’ll provide more details about customers and marketing in later parts. For now, simply outline the kind of customers your product or service will best fit.

Company Advantages

Why will customers choose to buy from your business instead of your competition?

Hint: Describe what will be unique about your business. For example, is your product special, will customer service be exceptional, or will your price be lower?

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