Finding critical t-statistics using the probability distribution plot

The critical t-statistic can be found from either the Calc menu tools under Probability Distributions, or from the Graph menu and Probability Distribution Plot…. Here, we will find the critical t-statistic using the graphical tools used in probability distribution plots. In this recipe, we will find the critical t-statistic with 14 degrees of freedom for a two-sided test.

How to do it…

The following steps will show us how we can use the probability distribution plot tools to find the critical t-statistic:

  1. Go to the Graph menu and select Probability Distribution Plot….
  2. Choose the View Probability chart.
  3. From the Distribution: dropdown, select t and under Degrees of freedom:, enter 14.
  4. Select the tab for Shaded Area. Ensure that the option for Define Shaded Area By is already Probability.
  5. For a two-sided test, select Both Tails. Leave the Probability at 0.05.
  6. Click on OK.

How it works…

Probability distribution plots allow us to easily create a graph of a distribution curve based on the parameters entered. Using the option to view probability, we will generate a distribution curve with a shaded area under the curve.

The previous steps created the t-distribution curve and shaded the area below 0.025 and above 0.975. Overall, 5 percent of the curve is shaded and the position of the 0.025 and 0.975 in T is displayed. This is our critical t-statistic for a t-test, as shown in the following screenshot:

How it works…

From the graph, the critical t for a two-sided test with df equal to 14 is 2.145.

There's more…

Under the Calc menu, the tools found under probability distributions can be used to calculate the probability's density functions, CDF, or inverse CDF. The same critical t-statistics can be calculated using the t-distribution and the inverse CDF.

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