Chapter 10. Time Series Analysis

In this chapter, we will be covering the following recipes:

  • Fitting a trend to data
  • Fitting to seasonal variation
  • Time series predictions without trends or seasonal variations


With time series, we will observe the variation in our data over time. We will also look at forecasting data from these techniques.

The Time Series tools are found in the Stat menu, as shown in the following screenshot. It is worth pointing out that the Time Series Plot option in the Stat menu is the same as the Time Series Plot in the Graph menu. We will not use this option here as it has already been covered in Chapter 2, Tables and Graphs.

In this chapter, we will focus on the tools that help us smooth the data over time or fit trends and seasonality.


To fit trends, we will use trend analysis and double exponential smoothing; seasonality will use the Winters method and Decomposition. Finally, when no trend or seasonality is apparent, we will use single exponential smoothing and moving average tools to smooth the series.

The datasets used in this chapter are provided as support files on the Packt website.

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