Chapter 4. Using Analysis of Variance

In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Using a one-way ANOVA with unstacked columns
  • Calculating power for the one-way ANOVA
  • Using Assistant to run a one-way ANOVA
  • Testing for equal variances
  • Analyzing a balanced design
  • Entering random effects model
  • Using GLM for unbalanced designs
  • Analyzing covariance
  • Analyzing a fully nested design
  • The repeated measures ANOVA – using a mixed effects model
  • Finding the critical F-statistic


The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tools generalize the ideas of T-tests by checking the difference across means of many groups of data. Most of the tools used in this section are found in the ANOVA section, under the Stat menu. The following screenshot shows the route to the tools that we will use:


Most of the recipes here use the General Linear Model option. This option can use 31 factors, 50 covariates, and up to 50 response variables, making this a quick one-stop shop for use. The General Linear Model option can run a one-way ANOVA, two-way, balanced ANOVA, and fully nested ANOVA.

In the Minitab Version 17, the General Linear Model tools have been updated to store fitted models back into the worksheet. The fitted models then allow the use of contour plots, surface plots, response optimizer, and more.

One-way ANOVA tools offer the use of data in an unstacked format and can be found in the assistant as well.

The options for interval plots, main effects plots, and interactions plots offer useful graphical tools to display the results after analysis.

The datasets used in this chapter come from a number of sources. We will copy data and in some examples, the data can be typed into the worksheet.

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