2.5D Monkey


THE KEY TO REALISM lies within the shading. The same 2.5D animation technique is being used here, but this time the graphics are drawn using gradients to promote an even more convincing faux three-dimensional effect.



1 Start with the character at a three-quarter angle in frame 1. Let’s call this “point A”.


2 In your last frame, create what we’ll call “point B”. The challenge is getting from point A to point B through the use of tweens.


3 Using the Free Transform tool, rotate, skew and move each symbol into it’s “point B” position. Here the mouth symbols are transformed first.


4 Next, trasform the nose, eyes, pupils and eyebrows. Pay close attention to the spacial relationship between each of these objects and our perspective at this new angle.


5 The head and hair symbols are rotated and positioned accordingly. At this angle, we see more of the hair from the left side and less on the right.


6 The ears play a pivotal role in this effect. At this new angle, we can see more of the left ear and less of the right ear.


7 Once the head symbols are transformed and positioned where you want them, lock their layers, select all the body parts and rotate them.


8 Next, adjust the legs and tail individually by selecting and rotating them.


9 Select everything except the arms and hands and move the monkey over using the right arrow key. Hold down Shift to move in 10-pixel increments.


10 Rotate the arms so they align with the monkey’s new position. Their center point is positioned where the hands grab the vine to make this even easier.


11 Apply motion tweens to each layer and play back your animation. Final adjustments are usually necessary at this stage.



Hot Tip

Check out the “Using Gradients” topic in Chapter 1 to learn how to create and edit the radial gradients used in this example.


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