Index website, 148

2.5D animation:

advanced, 108109

description, 106107

monkey, 110111

3D animation:

motion tweens, 294295

perspective animation, 204205

position and view, 295, 296297

Rotation tool, 39, 4849, 50, 225, 294295

Transformation tool, 39, 75, 225, 294


Action-safe zone, 162163

ActionScript 2.0:

cue points, 233

dragging, 240241

events, 238239

Flash history, 312

focus, 69

interactivity, 235

loading images, 246247

objects concept, 253

timeline, 242243

toggling sound, 246247

ActionScript 3.0:

cue points, 233

dragging, 240241

dynamic sounds, 222223

events, 237238

Flash history, 313

focus, 69

interactivity, 235

JPG files, 244245

loading images, 244

objects concept, 253

timeline, 242243

toggling sound, 248251


animation, 224225

billiard ball, 90

blur filter, 90

classes, 252253

color changes, 195

fire, 200

Flash interface, 36

Flash Video, 230

focus, 6869

movies, 164

objects concept, 252253

page turn, 180181

skill level, 153

sound, 222

Soundbooth CS1 software, 216

Adjust color filters, 194195


Acrobat website, 155 website, 1, 154155, 225, 233

Audition 3.0 software, 217, 218219

Bridge software, 233

Illustrator, 6, 225

Media Encoder CS4, 232

Photoshop see Photoshop

Soundbooth CS1 software, 216217

Ajar extensions, 266267

AKG Perception 400 microphone, 212

American Flag, 136

Animate software, 274275


3D perspective, 204205

ActionScript, 224225

bees, 118119, 178179

Between the Lions, 228229

billiard ball, 9091

Bone and Spray, 206207

bouncing ball, 5253

butterfly wings, 5051

career, 152155

chicken, 144145

coin spinning, 294295

color adjustments, 194195

cowboys, 9899

cranes, 304

dogs, 120121

filters, 186187

fire, 200201

fireworks, 188189

flag waving, 6061

globe, 5859

graphics, 9495

gulls, 204205

hand writing, 6465

helicopters, 298299

hula hoop, 56

insects, 302303

iris transition, 6263

motion, 7481, 8283

page turn, 180181

petals, 2831

rain, 198199

smoke, 182183, 184185

snow, 202203

soft reveal, 190191

sounds, 211

“Star Wars” text, 192193

steam, 186187

storage, 53

super text, 178179

tail, 306309

vertigo, 196197

see also character animation website, 264

AnimSlider Pro extension, 264265

Anticipation in character animation, 142143

Ape Escape (Sony Playstation), 160161

Armatures, bone, 126127, 298299, 300301

Audacity® software, 214215

Audio see sound Audition 3.0

software, 217, 218219

Automation see presets



blurring (motion), 100101

looping, 146147

Bamboo graphics tablets, 175

Bee animation, 118119, 178179

Belushi, John, 71

Between the Lions television series, 228229

beveled edges, 271

Bezier handles, 310

Billiard ball animation, 9091

Bind tool, 310311


animation (Jib Jab), 130131

distortion, 4041

“Grotto” character, 1415

texture, 1213, 1415

Blues Brothers, 71

Blur effects in Photoshop, 96

Blur filter:

billiard ball, 9091

excessive use, 183

hazy effect, 31

text, 9697


background, 100101

selective, 9899

Bone tool:

armatures, 126127, 207, 298299, 300301

Bone and Spray, 206207

bones and shapes, 306

character animation, 126127

complex bone armature, 300301

easing, 304305

Flash innovation, 225

hinging body parts, 122

inverse kinematics, 124125

joint rotation and constrain, 302303

shapes, 310

Spray Brush tool, 206207

Bones and shapes, 306309

Bouncing ball animation, 5253

Breeze presentation, 154

Bridge software, 233

Brush tool, 67, 24, 225, 257

Bucket tool, 12, 21

Bush, George W., 130, 132135

Butterfly wings animation, 5051


Cameras in Flash, 296297

Caplin, Steve, 131

“Caps” (gaps), 128129

Card flip, 4647

Career in animation, 152155

CD icons, 1

Cell shading, 20, 22

Character animation:

2.5D, 106107, 108109, 110111

anticipation, 142143

Ape Escape, 160161

bitmap animation (Jib Jab), 130131

Bone tool, 124125, 126127, 300

Breeze presentation, 154155

chicken, 144145

classic tweens, 118119

design, 109

drawing upon oneself, 144145

Evil Mime, 128129

gaps, 128129

George W. Bush, 130, 132135

“Grotto”, 1415

hinging body parts, 122123

lip syncing, 112113, 114115, 116117

looping backgrounds, 146147

marionette style, 7679

monkey, 110111

motion blur, 100101

motion guides (Jib Jab), 134135

motion tweens, 120121

PSD animation (Jib Jab), 132133

tradigital animation, 148151

tweening, 106

walk cycle, 136137, 138139, 140141

Yahoo! Super Messengers, 72

chicken animation, 144145

Classic tweens:

3D rotation, 48

character animation, 118119

CS4, 282283

motion paths, 288

Queasy tools, 267

Clay analogy in drawing, 208209

Coin spinning animation, 294295


adjustments for animation, 194195

contrast, 27

Easy Palette, 263

Kuler panel, 166167

mixing, 89

NTSC safe palette, 264

palette management, 263

Combining effects in motion, 9495

Constrained drag and drop, 241

Contrast and color, 27

Convert timeline to symbol extension, 267

Cowboys and selective blurring, 9899

Crane animation, 304

Creator software, 272273

CS3/CS4 comparison (Flash), 224225

CS4 new features:

Bind tool, 310311

bone armature, 298299, 300301

Bone tool easing, 304305

bones and shapes, 306309

Classic tweens, 282283

custom easing, 292293

joint rotation and constrain, 302303

Motion Editor, 290291

Motion paths, 288289

Motion Presets, 280281

Motion spans, 286287, 290

Motion tweens:

3D, 294295

Classic tweens, 282283

creation, 284285

editing paths, 288289

tweening, 278

Curves, 83

Custom easing, 292293


De Visser, Martijn, 232, 233

Deco tool, 3435


bitmaps, 1213, 1415

Brush tool, 67

characters, 109

color mixing, 89

Deco tool, 3435

gradients, 1011, 2831

monkeys, 1011

Pen tool, 1617, 2829

petals, 2829, 3031

shading, 2021, 2223, 2425, 2627

shapes, 45

Spray brush tool, 3233

styles, 237

texture, 1213, 1415

Trace Bitmap, 1819

Digimator term, 1, 208


films, 20

lip syncing, 112

Distortion: bitmaps, 4041

butterflies, 5051

tool, 43

see also transformation

Dogs animation, 120121


clay analogy, 208209

Drawing upon oneself, 144145

style simplification, 102103

Dreamworks, 70, 102

Drop Shadow, filter, 31, 8688

Dynamic sounds, 2223



animations, 304305

custom, 292293

Easy Palette (color management system), 263

ECMAScript standard, 256


beveled, 271

roughening, 266

elbow caps, 128129

Envelope modifier tool, 42

Envelope tool, 4243, 4445

Events and interactivity, 236, 237239

Evil Mime character, 128129

Extending Flash MX 2004, 263


Ajar, 266267

AnimSlider Pro, 264265

beveled edges, 271

Convert timeline to symbol, 267

Flashjester, 272273

FrameSync, 266

Guide Maker, 267

iK’motion, 268269

JSFL, 256257, 258263

Motion Preset Preview, 267

Queasy tools, 267

roughen edges, 266

swift 3D Xpress, 270271

Toon Boom Animate, 274

Eyedropper tool, 8


Fernandez, Ibis, 148

Fill Transform tool, 1415

Film speed, 158


Adjust color, 194195

animation, 186187

Blur, 31, 9091, 9697, 183

drop shadow, 86, 88

effects, 89

Gaussian Blur, 69

steam, 186187

Fire animation, 200201

Fireworks animation, 188189

FLA see Flash


American, 136

waving animation, 6061


cameras, 296297

CS3/CS4 comparison, 224225

customization, 276277

extensions, 254275

file, 1

Forward Film Festival, 71

history, 312313

interactivity, 236251

interface, 3637

JavaScript, 255, 256257

media applications, 156157

Objects concept, 252253

sound, 220221

Tools panel, 37

Trace Bitmap, 1819

video, 226231, 232233

see also Flash to video conversion

Flash + After Effects, 202203

Flash JavaScript see JSFL

Flash to video conversion:

Ape Escape, 160161

Quicktime Exporter, 170171

safe colors, 164165

safe colors (Kuler), 166167

SWF2Video software, 172173

sync, 168169

Title and Action safety, 162163

Flash video (FLV):

Encoder, 230, 232, 233

Soundbooth CS1

software, 216

tools and articles, 232233

video editing, 230231

websites, 233

flashants website, 172

Flashjester extensions, 272273 website, 272

Flat card rotation, 4647

FLV see Flash video

Flying text, 9293

Focus, 6869

For loop control flow statement, 262

FrameSync software, 266

Free Transform tool:

3D rotation, 48

cube, 38

Evil Mime character, 129

hinging body parts, 122

lip syncing, 117

monkey animation, 111

Motion tween, 75

perspective shadow, 88

raw vector objects, 4243

squash and stretch, 5253

uses, 39, 4041

walk cycle, 137

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 160

Fuller, Warren, 264

Future Flash Animator”, 36, 225


Gaps in character animation, 128129

Gaussian Blur filter, 69

GIF files, 18

Glass filter, 69

Globe, rotating, 5859


design, 1011

monkey animation, 111

realism, 2829

smoke, 182183

Transform tool, 16


animation, 9495

tablets, 6, 174175

“Grotto” character, 1415

Guide Maker extension, 267

Gulls animation, 204205


Hand writing, 6465

Helicopter hovering, 298299

Hinging body parts, 122123

History of Flash, 312313

Hope, Jarred, 277

How did I get here?”, 152155

How to Cheat in Photoshop, 131

Hue, saturation and brightness (HSB), 89

Hula hoop animation, 56

I website, 298

IK see inverse kinematics

iK’ motion tool set, 268269

Illustrator software, 6, 225

Images, loading, 244245, 246247

Ink Bottle tool, 5, 16, 26

Insect animation, 302303


ActionScript 2.0, 238239, 240241, 246247

ActionScript 3.0, 237238, 240241, 244245

constrained drag and drop, 241

dragging, 240241

events, 236, 237239

Flash, 236251

loading images, 244245, 246247

timeline pausing, 242243

toggling sound (AS 3.0), 248251

Inverse Kinematics (IK), 124125, 126127, 224225, 268269, 306

Iris transition, 6263


Jackson, Chris, 202

JavaScript (JSFL):

customization, 276

keyboard shortcuts, 257

language, 255, 256257

Trace Bitmaps, 258263

Jib Jab media:

bitmap animation, 130131

motion guides, 134135

PSD importer, 132133

Spiridellis brothers, 71, 130

Joint rotation and constrain, 302303

JPG files, 244245

JSFL see JavaScript

Jshapor tool, 273

Jugglor software, 272273


Kerry, John, 130

Keyboard shortcuts:

JavaScript, 257


definition, 285

Motion Editor, 290

motion tweens, 285 website, 1

knee caps, 128129

Kuler Panel (colors), 166167


Lego building blocks, 4

Light source, 25

Line tool, 44, 148

Lion King, 201

Lip syncing:

nesting method, 114115, 287

swap method, 112113

syncing decisions, 116117

Loading images, 244245, 246247

Logan, Dave, 263, 277

Logitech USB microphone, 212

Looping backgrounds, 146147

“Loopology” musical instruments, 219


M-Audio FireWire Solo audio interface, 213

Macromedia, 153154, 224225

Marionette animation, 7679 website, 232233


flag waving, 6061

focus, 6869

handwriting, 6465

introduction, 5657

iris transition, 6263

rotating globe, 5859

spotlight, 6667

Media Encoder CS4, 232

Merge layers option, 149

Michelangelo, 103

Microphones, 212213

MIDI editing, 218

Mineaulr, Patrick, 277

“Moment of clarity”, 54


2.5D animation, 110111

gradient design, 1011


background blurring, 100101

billiard ball, 9091

blur filter, 9091, 9697

blur technique, 100101

combining effects, 9495

complex animations, 8283

drop shadow, 8687

flying text, 9192

Motion Editor, 7883

perspective shadow, 8889

selective blurring, 9899

shadows, 8485

tweens, 7475, 7681

Motion Editor, 290291, 292293

armatures, 305

complex animations, 8283

custom tween, 8081

Flash CS4, 225

motion tweens, 79

Motion guides (Jib Jab), 134135

Motion paths editing, 288289

Motion Presets, 267, 280281

Motion spans, 286287, 292

Motion tweens:

3D, 294295

creation, 284285

CS4, 282283

method, 288289

new/classic comparison, 7679

properties, 7475

Mueller, Eric, 225

Multiple objects selection, 123


Newton, Isaac, 99, 143

Nolan, Dennis, 55


color safe palette, 264

standard, 158159


Object Drawing Mode, 6, 20, 29

Objects concept (Flash programming), 252253

Onionskin tool, 47, 137, 295

Oval tool, 45, 17, 66


Page turn animation, 180181

PAL (Phase Alternating Line) standard, 158

Pausing timelines, 242243

Pen tool, 1617, 2829

Perspective shadow, 8889

Petals design, 2829, 3031

Peters, Keith, 263

Philips, Adam, 204, 206

Photographic images, 1819, 6869


American Flag, 135

blur effects, 96

focus, 69

graphics tablets, 6

How to Cheat in Photoshop, 131

Jib Jab media, 130

photographic images, 18, 6869

texture, 14

Trace Bitmap, 18

plug-ins see extensions

Position and view in 3D, 295, 296297



animation (Jib Jab), 132133

importer, 6869

trace bitmap, 18

Putney, Justin, 266, 277


Queasy tools, 267

Quicktime Exporter, 164, 170171, 172 website, 223, 253, 276


Rain animation, 198199

Raw vector objects, 4243

Rectangle tool, 45, 17, 22, 190

RGB color system, 8


3D, 39, 4849, 50, 225, 295

flat card, 4647

globe, 5859

roughen edges, 266

Rubik’s cube, 252


Safe colors:

flash to video, 164165

Kuler panel, 166167


Flashjester, 272273

Selection tool:

fill color, 25

line shading, 21

Motion tween, 74

multiple objects, 123

Pen tool, 16

shape shading, 2223

tradigital animation, 149, 151

Selective blurring (cowboys), 9899

Senocular website, 277


design, 2027

line tricks, 2021

outlines, 2627

paint selected, 2425

shaping, 2223

Shadows and motion, 8485

Shape tweens, 47, 313

Shapes and bones, 306309

Shockwave website, 152153

Simple drawing style, 102103

Simpson, Aaron, 130

Smoke animation, 182183, 184185

Snow animation, 202203

Snowflake design, 202203

Soft reveal animation, 190191

Sorenson Spark video codes, 232


animation, 211

Audacity editing application, 214215

audio interfaces, 213

Audition 3.0 editing application, 218219

dynamic, 222223

effects, 212213

Flash, 220221

microphones, 212

Soundbooth CS1 editing application, 216217

toggling (AS 3.0), 248251

Soundbooth CS1 editing software, 216217

South Park:

lip syncing, 112

production, 7679

Spiridellis brothers, 71, 130

“SPL” (Spills) format, 36

Spotlight, 6667

Spray Brush tool, 3233, 206207

Squash and stretch, 5253

“Star Wars” text animation, 192193

Startdrag method, 240

Steam animation, 186187

Stiller, David, 223, 253, 276

Storage animation, 53

Stylized smoke, 184185

Subtlety, 5455 website, 126

Super text animation, 178179

“SWF” (Swiffs) format, 36, 235, 244

SWF2video software, 172173, 230

swift 3D Xpress extension, 270271

Symmetry Brush, 35

Sync option:

classic tweens, 118119

Flash to video conversion, 168169

motion tween, 120121

sound, 221

see also lip syncing


Tablets see graphics tablets

Tail animation, 306309


blur filter, 9697

flying, 9293

Texture, 1213, 1415

The Animator’s Survival Kit, 140

Timeline pausing, 242243

Title-safe zone, 162163

Toggling sound (AS 3.0), 248251

Toon Boom Animate extension, 274275

“Toon shading”, 20, 22 websites, 275

Trace Bitmap command, 1819, 258263

Tradigital animation, 148151


3D rotation, 4849

3D tools, 294

butterflies, 5051

card flip, 4647

distorting bitmaps, 4041

Envelope tool, 4243

squash and stretch, 5253

warping, 4445

see also Free Transform tool

Tubbrit, Steven J., 126


character animation, 106

classic, 267, 288

new v. classic comparison, 7475, 7679

options, 278


Urami, 277


Vectors, 310311

Vertigo animation, 196197


Between the Lions television series, 228229

Flash animation, 226227

FLV (Flash Video format), 230231, 232233

importing, 228229



Cintiq 21UX graphics tablet, 175

graphics tablets, 6, 174175

Walk animation, 136137, 138139, 140141

Warping, 4445

Websites:, 148

Adobe, 154155

Adobe Acrobat, 155, 264

customization, 276277

flash video, 233

flashants, 172, 298

Jugglor, 272, 1

Martin de Visser FLV Player, 232233

page turn, 180, 223, 253, 276

Sunchirp, 126

Toon Boom, 275

Wimpy FLV Player, 233

Williams, Richard, 140 website, 233

Wolfe, David, 149, 277

Workspace layout, 37


Yahoo! Super Messengers, 72

Yard, Todd, 263

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