For a united IoT protocol, the Open Interconnect Consortium was supported and joined by
the Open Connectivity Foundation. Moreover, IEEE released a standard which provided an IoT
architecture standard. The draft discussed the creation of a single and global IoT language that
can provide several advantages. For instance, it can vastly decrease the actions needed for the
sharing of data between dierent platforms. Irrespective of the platform, it can allow users with
the exchange of data for all the platforms and devices in the IoT ecosystem.
The idea to implement IoT includes the procurement of services and devices that have a non-IoT
name. For example, communication networks, instrumentation, data management consultants,
and storage are among them. Stakeholders often find it complex to procure these services as
they are unable to piece together how to integrate them eectively.
The right strategy can assist in the communication for the vitality of each piece and allow
streamlining the complexity for the entire project so it can run well.
It is 2019, and many manufacturers still have no idea about how to use IoT for the digitization
of their services and products.
By the end of this year, it is expected that more global enterprise IoT projects would be
completed. Among them, there are many which are in the Proof of Concept stage, and there are
also those which culminated frustratingly. This is because many project managers realized later
that their implementation was riddled with holes. Hence, they lamented not approaching the
implementation without proper analysis and consultation.
Some companies are using IoT for the tracking of vehicles in the supply chain sector;
others use it in agriculture for precision farming, and some use it in the wind energy sector for
predictive maintenance solution. While all these use cases are dierent, the fundamentals of
the internet of things are more or less the same. Before starting any implementation for an IoT
project, consider the following.
Cultural Shift
Among the biggest problems in IoT is the cultural and organizational change. For instance,
consider the case of Kärcher, a cleaning manufacturer which is located in Germany. Friedrich
Völker—the digital product director—explained how they tackled an IoT conundrum while
releasing their connected fleet management solution. According to him, their sales team was not
cut out to market the IoT virtual oerings and software while dealing with customers.
However, then the sales department avoided focusing on a one-o sale. Instead, they have
adopted the strategy to communicate with customers about the machine’s ongoing perfor-
mance. This paradigm shift along with the sales department’s education requires a certain time.
The initiatives of IoT are used during the transformation of a major digital company; the
product development is needed for the business in regards to the adoption of agile approaches.
For the support of subscription-based customer billing, a billing process is needed.
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