What is the importance of performance testing?
Flash Question
Gartner stated that by the next year more than 50% of new systems and business processes will
integrate IoT components in their organizations. As the IoT devices increase staggeringly, their
teams also have to face a number of challenges.
While IoT systems are being developed, teams have to continuously address an extensive
list of stumbling blocks—they are common as IoT is still in its infancy. These issues emerge
during any phase of the manufacturing lifecycle. It is necessary that they are anticipated in hind-
sight so they are resolved before any major problem occurs.
Testing is extremely important to make sure that an IoT device can work properly. Some of
the most common of IoT testing challenges are as follows.
Cloud IoT Platforms
AWS, IBM Watson, and Azure IoT are some of the most popular and widespread IoT platforms
which help to integrate dierent IoT devices and components. Thus, it is necessary that testing
processes factor these platforms so they are utilized to their best eect.
IoT devices produce information with increased amounts of variety and velocity. It is
common for such an environment to create data, both in the form of structured and unstruc-
tured, that is forwarded to the cloud. It is common for testers to work with an extensive list of
IoT devices, each dierent from the other and possessing distinct features and functionalities,
that must be tested for all the common IoT platforms in order to verify their proper usage in the
IoT ecosystem.
Moreover, in such an environment, as more and more devices are deployed; it becomes
tougher to emulate the required environment with real-time nature so the testing process can
be carried out with various IoT devices for the IoT cloud platforms.
Furthermore, there is also the version factor that is, new device upgrades will come with
the passage of time for both the firmware and software. Hence, it is absolutely essential for
testing these upgrades with the IoT cloud platforms or else a newly-created security loophole
may get overlooked. Doing this requires considerable resources, and sometimes it is simply
not possible to ensure that IoT devices undergo cross-testing with all the versions for all types
of the common IoT platforms, particularly in the middle of upgrade testing.
Data Concerns for Cyber Threats
Data which is accumulated and exchanged via IoT devices can be of massive size. While such a
large amount of data is produced, there are also questions pertaining to the system’s unauthor-
ized access or any possible data leaks. As IoT devices face several cybersecurity risks such as
botnet, DDoS, ransomware, and spambots, hence testing is important to pinpoint the security
openings which are then resolved timely.
Chapter 8 Types of Testing in IoT 211
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