Allows enhanced analysis.
Fewer costs since high computing are required only when it is required.
It is important to understand that fog computing does not in any way replace cloud computing.
Instead, it partners with cloud computing and oers a greater degree of optimization. Fog com-
puting helps with real-time processing, computations for incoming data, and addresses several
IoT challenges. Fog computing borrows an advantage from the distributed mechanisms of the
latest virtualized IT resources. As a result, it helps manufacturers in their development of edge
switches and router.
Let’s take an example. Consider there is a trac light infrastructure in a large city that
makes use of smart sensors. Meanwhile, on a specific day, a local victorious team has plans for a
parade. As a result, people gather in huge numbers and a trac jam is created. While the trac
situation continues, each of the trac lights helps the IoT system to collect data. The city gov-
ernment’s application updates timings and light patterns through edge devices. The application
directly generates real-time changes for light patterns with each edge device; at the same time
processing goes on to handle trac issues. In this way, trac delays are minimized so fans can
get relief and focus on the big day.
When the parade finishes, the data from the trac light system is forwarded to the cloud
where it is analyzed, run through predictive analytics and helps the city to enhance the overall
handling of the city’s approach with the trac issues.
Some experts refer to this architecture as the extension of the cloud for nearby gateways
that is “low to the ground”. According to Joe Skorupa from Gartner, the high number of IoT
devices, voluminous amounts of datasets, and IoT data’s structure and velocity cause several
challenges. They aect in areas like storage management, data center network, servers, data,
and security for businesses processes. It is the responsibility of the data center managers to
move on with deployments that have advanced capacity management to address the concerns
in these areas or else they cannot manage those business priorities that are aligned with the IoT.
In order to handle data and address backhaul problems for IoT, fog computing provides
a functional and workable strategy. Networking vendors who support this framework, plan
for the router use to get high reliability while open JVM and Linux platforms are the vendor’s
technologies. The use of open platforms helps to port applications in the IT infrastructure. The
programming environment in such cases has support from multiple vendors. Hence, smart
edge gateways shrewdly manage and redirect hundreds and thousands of tasks that are detected
by the IoT’s monitors and sensors.
Quick Challenge
Give examples of Fog Computing deployment and list the advantages that system got
because of it.
Open Stack Cloud Architecture
In IoT, the smart city stands as one of the most popular applications about how technology
can be used to automate wide urban areas and public facilities. Smart cities include sensing and
communication technologies that provide mobility and oer better public facilities like trans-
portation systems. It also helps to monitor the physical structures like buildings. If actuating
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subsystems are conceptualized, the city can be envisioned as a nervous system that consists of
reactive mechanisms.
OpenStack Architecture
Your Applications
Cloud Operating System
OpenStack Shared Services
OpenStack Dashboard
Standard Hardware
Swift-Objective Storage
Cinder-Block Storage
Glance-Virtual Disk Images
Middleware solution for management of actuator and sensor hosting resources can allow estab-
lishing complex services like policies to modify triggers for multiple actuators with the help of
sensing activities for sensing resources.
Cloud computing can play a massive role in IoT. The relationship between the IoT
architecture and cloud architecture has an extensive list of opportunities including those for
smart cities. In smart cities, a VIM (virtual infrastructure manager) is needed that can manage
higher-level services. These services include standard services like the collection of data to create
value for investment monetization. Requirement-wise, it is similar to other IT infrastructures
that are used for smart cities.
To integrate cloud technologies in the IoT infrastructure, you can use a strategy that
combines functional and relevant protocols and frameworks. On the other hand, you can also
go over use cases that have to be assessed for the integration.
Other than the dilemma regarding the scaling, you have to consider factors such as what is
the elasticity for the oered services that are sensing-based? You have to also take into account the
provisioned and registration mechanisms that are associated with the heterogeneous sensor-host-
ing solutions and determine if they need the introduction of an infrastructure manager.
For example, to achieve scalability, a communication setup can be used that is founded
on the basis of MOM (middle oriented middleware). MOM is sometimes exposed by distrib-
uted infrastructure manager as a built-in functionality because they are the fundamental
components of these solutions.
A cloud-oriented architecture adheres to this scenario. By default, it follows the relevant
requirements in order to address the issues of the user base while it also addresses certain
other functionalities like tenant-based authorization framework. In such a framework, users,
administrator, owners, and other actors along with their interactions pertaining to the infra-
structure can be decoupled from the delegation, rental, transfer, and other workflows. It can also
include enhanced visualization, recycling of storage or compute deployments and monitoring
solutions without any costs. In addition, this may also help to allow the federation of various
cloud-enabled areas.
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