several days to several weeks without the need to recharge the battery. Plus, the smart sensor
platform can simultaneously work under battery power and recharge the battery from the grid.
Advanced Gateway to the Cloud
The advanced gateway can be well confi gured with various communication protocols such as
Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and 802.15.4. This e ectively enables the system to catch data from the nodes
to store it in a local database.
The utilization of 802.15.4 communication technology permits the sensor data to save and
read as it is measured. This makes it possible for the users to visualize the live data in real time.
To visualize the data, users just need to enter an IP address in a web browser at the factory.
The data is Accessible Anywhere and Anytime
The monitoring of data can begin at any moment whenever the “on” switched is pushed in the
factory. The smart sensor platform monitors di erent parameters at di erent intervals depending
on the priority level of each sensor. After taking each measurement, the data gets transmitted to
the gateway by using 802.15.4. Info like battery level is also sent to provide robustness to the users.
By using Microsoft Azure, Polibol can send data instantly without the need to confi gure
their own complex server system. From the user console, the sensor data is available for down-
loading and analyzing, or it can even be transferred to another server. Once the collected data
gets synchronized with Azure, then it can be accessed from anywhere. Thankfully, the sensor
data gets synchronized with Microsoft Azure in every 60 seconds which makes the synched
data very fresh. The plug and play nature of Microsoft Azure makes the data instantly available
and provides ubiquitous access.
The smart sensor system o ers four di erent power modes; on, sleep, deep sleep, and
hibernation. In the hibernation mode, the system merely consumes 0.7 µA of energy. This
results in very astonishing battery life. This means the device can keep running for up to three
years without the need of getting recharged. Actually, the smart sensor system sleeps after
taking each measurement. This unique sleep feature along with low power sensors extends the
lifetime of the solution. The system is very easy to install and maintain.
When producing heavy machinery, food industry products or high-performance products,
smart sensor technology has truly revolutionized the industries and brought industrial auto-
mation. It has helped the manufacturers to achieve more growth by increasing productivity and
diminishing the risk factors while manufacturing.
Water is the fundamental of every life form on our planet. However, over the past years, human
activities are consuming an excessive amount of water. This is not only led to wastage of water
but also the degradation of water quality. This is one of the main reasons why smart cities
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