are the key components of the application. OSGI bundles are basically Java related resources
with classes and other important files like the manifest. Data related to contents and services are
encompassed by the manifest file to modify and improve the programming of classes.
An example of such a burden is:
Bundle-Name : Bundle for Module A // The name of the bundle
Bundle-SymbolicName : // The header acts as an identifier
Bundle-Description : Includes information related to module A // The description
of the functionality
Bundle-ManifestVersion : 1 // specification for OSGi
Bundle-Version : 1.0.0 // Bundle version number
Bundle-Activator : // Bundle activates invokes the class
Export-Package :;version = “1.0.0” // Externally available packages
for Java
Import-Package : org.osgi.framework;version = “1.3.0” // Packages which are
ThingWorx is one of the earliest IoT frameworks. ThingWorx is aimed at the development
and deployment of IoT solutions with another booming IT field—AR (augmented reality).
Thesolution is based on ThingModel which provides for a real-time peek into physical devices
and is used to represent the components of the platform.
ThingWorx assists in the development of tailored solutions for industrial IoT where
adequate security and scalability support are just some of its perks. Some of the advantages of
ThingWorx are the following.
Due to its unified integration of components, it helps in seamless IoT development to
create easy and fast applications in no time.
Likewise, the platform offers multiple options for deployments including on-premises
model, cloud model, or the hybrid model.
Sleek and easy-to UIs are generated with drag-and-drop tools, facilitating even the non-
IT users to deliver cutting-edge user experiences.
Is Eclipse IoT providing all the features that other frameworks like Azure IoT, AWS
IoT, Watson IoT, etc are providing? If so, is it cost effecting compared to them? If
not, can you combine any other framework along with Eclipse IoT to overcome the
limitations of this framework?
Flash Question
Another aspect of Eclipse’s IoT is its product Eclipse Scada. The platform establishes a
connection between dierent industrial IoT-powered equipments and controls them through
a communication system. It also performs various data-intensive operations like transmitting
34 Internet of Things
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