Chapter 15. Redesigning Your Business for Customer-Centricity

In this chapter

Make the Customer the Basis for CRM Design

Integrate CRM Across the Enterprise

Adopt the Strategic View

Manage Customer Information as an Asset

Fuse Traditional and e-Channels

Utilize CRM Across Business Models

Understand Your Business Process

From Business Ambiguity to Technical Precision

Enabling Customer-Centric Processes with Microsoft CRM

Architecting a Shorter Time-to-Market

Use Case Corner


The customer-driven enterprise is the one that will sustain business advantage in today's tough marketplace. Customer-centric analysis of your data can help you answer the following questions:

  • What are the values favored by clients? (Time? Participation? Place? Information availability?)

  • How are these values changing?

  • Who values what?

  • What are client relationships?

  • What is profitability of client relationship?

  • What products do a client select?

  • Which competitor's products are selected by client?

  • What is client's level of satisfaction with the product?

  • Are there additional needs for product?

  • What are client's household relationships?

  • What is the history of contacts with the client?

  • What is the profitability by segment, product, geo-code, and so on?

Take the steps recommended in this chapter to make your business more customer-focused.

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