CRM Communities Benefits

Some online CRM communities cater to different vertical industries, as well as to CRM across industries. You can participate in any of these, and you can also expect some Microsoft CRM-specific sites to be cropping up before long. But don't restrict yourself to only the Microsoft CRM sites because there's a lot of good experience with the business of CRM already out there and available. Some of the benefits you can expect to gain include the following:

  • Peer support

  • Replies to questions

  • Information exchange

  • Read other's questions and answers

  • Resources for further research

  • Vendor and consulting sources

  • Links to other publications

  • Work, partnering, and collaboration opportunities

Peer Support

Online communities provide access to your peers through a means that is both convenient and easy to access. You can network to develop relationships for mutual support as well as for business opportunities. It's a great way to take the pulse of your counterparts in other companies, and field ideas as they come up. You can seek advice from people working in the trenches in CRM, and offer your own experiences in return.

Replies to Questions

When you come across a problem in your CRM implementation, the CRM community can be a place to field questions and look for expert replies. It's wise to check the credentials of those you accept advice from, but after you do, an online community can keep you in touch with the day-to-day experiences of those further down the path than you.

Information Exchange

Online communities provide a mechanism for all parties involved in CRM projects to exchange relevant information. Articles, whitepapers, and bulletin boards provide a wide range of options for communicating both your successes and the problems you've encountered.

Read Other's Questions and Answers

When you ask a question and get the answer, that's great. But when you participate in online forums, you get answers to a lot of questions that you didn't even have to think of. It's a great opportunity to piggyback on the experiences of others and shorten your implementation times by learning from industry peers.

Resources for Further Research

Another benefit you'll find in the CRM forums is lots of information, links, and leads to further resources for any topic you might be interested in. If you want to take your research to the next level, online communities give you plenty of opportunities to follow up with ongoing research.

Vendor and Consulting Sources

A wide range of services are available online for many of your marketing automation needs. Online communities help you tap into these resources, providing lists as well as reviews on industry experts, vendors, and service providers.

Links to Other Publications

Many online community sites provide extensive links to other useful industry sites and resources. The network of CRM resources points to both online and offline resources you can contact and employ.

Work, Partnering, and Collaboration Opportunities

If you're looking for employment, partner opportunities, or companies you can partner with, online communities can provide many useful leads. Some sites specialize in one or another of these objectives, so look around until you find the site that delivers exactly what you're looking for.

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