What to Expect after You Sign

You should continue to expect the qualities that originally attracted you to the consultant to be present. You should expect to continue doing business with the individual you interviewed and hired not another resource that is brought in without your knowledge and/or consent. It is acceptable, of course, for your advisor to maintain staff and utilize resources of their own choosing, but beware of the consultant who disappears for long periods, leaving someone else to take up the slack.

You should also expect progress reports, ongoing information about the issues and concerns coming up, and to be involved in their resolution. You can't hire a consultant and turn over the reins. You need to work jointly with your consultant to keep yourself involved and up-to-date on project progress.


In general, certification in the technology industry has been questionable at best. The problem is who will certify the certifiers? With technology being such a rapidly evolving field, most educational institutions are not perceived by business to be keeping up with new developments at all. Thus, certification has not made much progress in IT at large.

There is however, some case to be made for Microsoft's (and other vendor's) certification in specific technologies, for specific applications. In this case, the technology is more finite, the knowledge base more quantifiable, and the certification more likely to be a fair measure of true knowledge.

As a rule of thumb, the more specific the technology, the more certification makes sense. In a more general role, don't expect certification to say much about the expertise of an expert, whether it be an integrator, an architect, or even a senior developer. Whether certification is an important factor depends on the role you are trying to fill.

Nonetheless, Microsoft CRM Reseller Partners are required to pass certifications on the specific technologies involved. You should expect those certifications to be meaningful.

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