Due Diligence

Beyond the desirable attributes listed previously, there's also a due diligence factor that you should observe any time you're hiring expert help. Be sure to look for the following.


Ask for and take the time to call and follow-up on references provided. One phone call can help establish the credibility of a consultant's claims, and if you can't reach any of the references, be sure to let your candidate know.


Getting a referral from a trusted source is still the best way to know what you're getting into when it comes to hiring professional help. Ask around among your network of business associates, and check in user groups, and other industry associations where you have membership. Referred resources have an established track record in a community where they will want to maintain a good reputation by keeping their customers satisfied.


When it comes to putting up a small Web site for a volunteer organization, maybe hiring your neighbor's son or daughter is a nice idea. But when it comes to the customer-facing presentation of your business, take the time and effort to find and hire a professional. This means that you should expect a professional demeanor, and civilized behavior. Upon your request, credentials should be forthcoming.

Written Proposals

A professional advisor won't have any trouble providing a brief, focused proposal covering what they propose to accomplish for your business, in clear business terms. It should include information about options, cost, time, and effort. Also the approach to be taken should be covered at a high level.

Customer First

One more thing to notice is the quality of your interactions at this stage of the game. Is the consultant overbearing? Do you get the feeling that your questions are foolish and your consultant knows everything? These are warning signs that you would do well to heed. The best way to work with someone who can help you put your customers first is to make sure they are putting you first now.

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